Chapter 7-Pink is so not my color

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Sorry I haven't been updated I've had a writer's block for a while, so this is not so good. If you have any ideas what should happen next please comment.


Going to school, especially now that she was able to convince Tamaki to let the Bad Touch Trio to join, was going to be hell. The promise of something pink , and sparkly lays in (f/n)'s future. yay. Please note the sarcasm in (f/n)'s voice. Getting dress, (f/n) puts on a plain black tee, and ripped up jeans, with a spiky bracelet, she walks toward the pink barbie school.

With her not being rich, she has to walk to the school, which is no problem, it gives her time to think. About what? Well, nothing. It's just thoughts. A peaceful moment to cherish, interrupted by the school for barbies, and ken dolls.

Dragging her feet (f/n) goes to the host clubroom. Groaning she opens the door, swatting away the rose petals from her face. "Tamiki. Where's the damned thing I have to wear."

Once the roses calmed down, she's able to see Tamaki holding up a pink, and gray ballroom dress, with a pink hat, and a rose in it (the picture)(Question if the day: What anime is the dress from?). (f/n) looks at it horrified she has to wear such a thing.

"(f/n), daughter, you have to wear this you promised." Tamaki puts on his puppy face, which makes (f/n) cave.

"fine." She marches to the dressing room, and puts it on. Looking in the mirror (f/n) almost throws up, way too much pink. Humiliated (f/n) walks out. Everyone's mouths drop.

Both twins walk up to (f/n). "Wow, (f/n) you actually look like a girl under all that black. Oh, look class is about "

"NOO Way in Hell!" (f/n) screams but the twins already have a grip on her, dragging her out of the room.

Walking to (f/n)'s class was embarrassing, especially when she walks in, and the whole class face her. Everyone's eyes widen. The sight of a normally all black girl dressed in pink shocks them.

Walking up to (f/n), the Bad Touch Trio all while grinning, stands in front of her desk. "So." Gilbert starts. "What's with the dress up."

Antonio butts with the biggest sh*t eating grin a person can have. "Oh, chica you finally found your inner girlness. It took you long enough. May I say-"

"No you can not say anything ,just shut it, and listen." The red on (f/n)'s face matches that color of a tomato. Truth be told (f/n) hasn't tried anything pink since her parents were murdered. Now she's just pushed into the girlness right away. "Look I got the deal...god it sounds like we're dealing drugs."

Gilbert laughs. "Yeah, but girls are our drugs."

Narrowing her eyes (f/n) looks at Gilbert. "Are you saying that girls are just drugs for boys, that we can't do anything but be with a boy?"

Trying to get get out of his own grave, Gilbert stammers. " No, no I mean well...we boys need to show girls that they're appreciated."

Smirking (f/n) pushes Gilbert deeper in his grave. "So... to feel pretty girls need boys? Without boys we're not pretty?"

"Look-" Gilbert starts out, but Francis interrupts. "Just ignore him, he has a big mouth."

(f/n) laughs feeling better.

"So Karou, am I the only one feeling like a third wheel?" Hikaru says looking at his twin.

"Brother I feel like one too." Karou puts on a sad face, looking away from Hikaru. Playing along with their brotherly love act, Hikaru puts his hand on Karou's chin making him look at his twin. Rolling her eyes, (f/n) starts fake gagging, while the Bad Touch Trio tries to stifle their giggles.

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