Chapter 10- Birthday Fun

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Hey, so this is just a little fun , and so with my birthday coming up I thought hey why not! So happy birthday to me!


-The Next Day-

Walking down the hall (f/n) sends glares to anyone who dares to even step in her way. Today would be her birthday (month/day/year), and all she wanted was to curl up in her bed, and read manga while listening to music. Nope. Not today. Today was her trial run for the host club, everything all lined up, and right now the aura around her would scare a dragon away.

"Hey (f/n) what's up?" The voice of Gilbert echoed in the hall, with the following of a bird cheep. Everyone in the hall sends Gilbert the look of either bravery, scare, or that he's stupid.

"The sky, that's what."

Giving a chuckle he starts walking beside her heading toward her classroom. "You know what I mean?"

The mood around (f/n) lightens up, as she started chuckling. "Well, excluding the fact that I don't want to be here...and that today's my birthday."

Gilbert gasps. "Wait, today is your birthday?! No way, what do you want?"

Rolling her eyes, (f/n) answers in an unwavering tone. "Nothing. The one thing I want can never be given, or even gotten. My birthday is just another day. Why would you even care?"

Putting his hands on (f/n)'s shoulder, he looks her dead in the eye. "because the day you were born is important. No matter how old you are, who you are, human or not, everyone needs a birthday, and I..." He trails off when he spots the rest of his trio, the ones that he lies to be the only person near his girl.

Impatiently (f/n) taps her foot waiting for Gilbert to continue what he was saying. "You what?"

Quickly he lets go of her shoulder, and hugs her. "Nothing, never mind...Oh! Look behind you the rest of my group." Changing the subject, (f/n) fails to notice the faint hue of red dusting the albino's cheeks.

Antonio, and Francis looks suspiciously at Gilbert. "So Gilbert." Antonio speaks up after having a glaring contest with Gilbert. "What were you doing to (f/n)?"

Taking a big gulp Gilbert speaks with a slightly high voice. "Umm... nothing, just talking, but anyways class is almost starting let's not be late, (f/n) can you go ahead? I need to talk about some... boy, I mean manly stuff."

Nodding (f/n) heads off to class. When she was far enough Francis grabs Gilbert's shirt. "Just what were you doing? I thought we were buddies. We made a deal not to tell (f/n) we love her, until we tell her our secret."

Piping up Antonio nods agreeing with Francis. "Yeah, and plus we don't want you being depressed because she was going to reject you. I mean we all knows she would choose me."

Francis drops the hold on Gilbert turning toward Antonio. "No the fille would choose me. We all know that the French are the best lovers."

All in all, by the time class started they came in battered, and abused. Ripped shirts, messy hair, and for some reason Francis was missing a shoe had the fangirls all thinking of perverted thoughts.

-skip to hosting time-

Taking her time (f/n) walks into the host club, only for Eren to stop her. "Hey, um... (f/n) would you mind helping me with my...math homework?"

Sighing (f/n) honestly answers. "Sorry, I have to head to the host club."

Panicking Eren stands in (f/n)'s way. "I... already told the host club you would be late, so let's go." He starts walking toward the other library, turning around on the balls of her feet, (f/n) follows Eren.

-time skip because author is too lazy to talk about math-

After an hour, Eren stands up, grabs his books, and motions for (f/n) to follow, which being the curious person she is, she followed Eren, who was heading toward the host club.

"Hey, Eren, wait up, you just packed up, what's the matter? I mean, I know I suck at math, but I thought YouTube did a half decent job." Shaking his head, Eren turns to hide his face which had a big lopsided smile. Stopping at the host club door, he steps aside for (f/n) to open the door.

Sighing for the millionth time that day, she grabs the handle opening the door, to be created first by a storm of roses, then to the most... horrible put together birthday looking room together. Tamaki was tangled in the streamers with the twins trying to blow up the balloons Kyoya was just in his corner with his little black book (death note). The Bad Touch Trio was trying to wrap the presents, but failing horribly. Her customers were on the sofas conversing with each other.

"This will go toward the money you own us." The first thing Kyoya said.

"...Thanks?" The sweat drop thing appears in (f/n)'s forehead.

"My darling" Tamaki picks (f/n) up, and spins her around. "Happy Birthday!! >. < I wish you would've told me earlier!! I would have bought you a better present! Nothing is good enough for you!!"

Pulled out from Tamaki's death spin hug, Mori picks her up, and holds her to his chest. "Don't touch her." Mori said monotone, sending Tamaki into his emo corner.

Putting (f/n) down, Honey-senpai runs over to (f/n) to hug her. "(f/n)- Chan!! Happy B-day!! I love you so much!!"

Looking surprised (f/n) stares at Honey-senpai. "what?"

Sheepishly he grins and opens his mouth to speak, only to have a hand put over his mouth by none other than the twins. "(f/n), look we ought you gifts." With a hand still over Honey-senpai's mouth the twin all while dragging Honey moves out of the way to show (f/N) the presents.

Looking happy for the first time in a while, (f/n) gives a smile smile which makes everyone blush. "I don't know what to say guys."

Tamaki pushes (f/n) toward the presents. In a gentle tone he says, "Open them. We tried the best we can in the short time. Luckily some of us got butlers."

Going to the first present which was wrapped in black, and gold with a big black bow on the middle. Carefully unwrapping it she comes to see a pair of black fishnet gloves with a matching black choker. With a smile (f/n) turns to see who gave them to her, only to see a blushing Mori. Going up to him, (f/n) gives him a hug with tears in her eyes. "T-thanks." She whispers, and quickly wipes the tears away before anyone can hopefully see them.

Letting go of Mori, she opens another one, and does the same thing. The process went on until the gifts were gone. With the biggest smile the HOst Club has ever seen, (f/n) thanks them over, and over.

Tamaki which was not to be found comes in the Host Room with the Cooking Club behind him carrying a big cake with black roses all over it. Sitting it down Tamaki clears his throat. "Now honor of the birthday girl being a new host." He winks toward (f/n). "I the prince of this club bestows her own rose color...Black. To represent the mystery of her. Starting today (f/n) is a host."

Clapping fills the room, and when it stops the cake is cut up, and everyone, even (f/n) leaves happy. For the boys all of them a heart that feels like it's gonna burst from his chest for seeing their little goth girl smile is the best.

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