Chapter 3

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She is so talkative. Sasuke thought as he swallowed the food. He watch her manage to get Itachi to smile. Although... her voice is so beautiful. Wait! What the hell was that thought?!?!
"How is the food, Sasuke?" Naruto asked, trying to start a conversation with Sasuke after a small talk with Itachi, just before Sasuke came out of his room. "Hn." Naruto turned away at the lack of response and looked down at her food but not before the others caught her eyes roll at Sasuke's rudeness. Mikoto and Fugaku looked at each other worriedly. They could tell that Naruto is trying to be Sasuke's friend and trying to make him comfortable with her but Sasuke's attitude towards her is really worrying them. "So why is she here?" Sasuke asked suddenly, causing Kashina to gasp.
"You haven't told him?" Kashina asked Mikoto who shook her head, saying they did.
"Told me what?... Please tell me she is not the person I am marrying." Naruto was saddened by the statement. Why is he so blunt? Does he not understand that people are sensitive?
"She is. Why?"
"I don't want to marry her." Sasuke spat out. Itachi was itching to just gut his brother at his stupidity and insensitivity.
"It does not matter, Sasuke Uchiha. You have no say in this. I have no say in this. You're stuck with me whether either of us likes it or not." The older occupants of the room raised eyebrows at her statement but Sasuke didn't see them. All of them except Sasuke knows that Naruto has the final say in this, seeing as she was from the richer family and she was a girl. She isn't doing this because she likes Sasuke. She is doing this for family and the Uchiha's alliance.
"Why are you doing this?" Mikoto asked Naruto after Sasuke excused himself to use the restroom. Naruto sighed and looked down at her drink, she stirred her drink absentmindedly. They thought she wasn't going to say anything but she spoke up, quietly. "We use to be bestfriends. But something happened in between and he hates me now. But... But I still... I can't let go of that friendship. I promised I will always stick by his side even if he didn't want me to anymore." Naruto explained.
"If he doesn't value your friendship why would you-"
"I don't break my promises, Itachi. I even make promises to myself and I always keep them. Even if he doesn't have any friend, I want him to know I am still his friend even if he doesn't want to associate with me."
Sasuke stood behind the wall, listening. Why are you lying Naruto? You lied once. I'm not going to fall for it again.

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