Chapter 4

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"I heard Sasuke Uchiha is getting married! Or he is probably already married!"
"What?! He wasn't even dating anyone!" The girls screamed their disapprovals. They were all being a crying mess and a general disturbance. Naruto bit her lips and picked up her pace and ducked around the corner and quickly fumbled at her lock to get her stuff and ran before they saw her. They all knew of her old friendship with Sasuke Uchiha and they all still thought that Naruto would know stuff even though they were the ones that caused Sasuke and Naruto's friendship to shatter. They spread rumours and Sasuke believed them. He believed them over his true bestfriend.
"Guys! Who do you think is the lucky girl?" Ino asked as she jumped into a seat.
"Troublesome. Must be an arranged marriage, he wasn't seeing anyone." Shikamaru concluded and Chouji agreed, munching on potato chips as usual. Naruto tensed, trying to hide her ring. Sasuke is probably not wearing his so why is she? Over the weekends, they got married and signed the papers so they were official. "What is that Naruto?" Ino asked, her eyes narrowing at the shiny glint she spotted at the corner of her eyes.
"It's nothing." Ino darted forward and yanked at the blond's wrist, and tightening her grip around the wrist. It's probably go into bruise. "Why do you wear a ring on your left ring fing- YOU!!" Ino screamed and slapped Naruto hard across the face. "How could you! Why did he marry such a freak like you?! Did you blackmail him into doing so?! You're such a slut!" Ino screamed as she slapped Naruto again before pushing her away in disgust. Naruto tripped over a chair and hit her head painfully against a table. Sasuke watched from the corner of the classroom and suddenly felt his heart jolt. Feelings rose from him when Naruto was grabbed and hit. Anger. But he pushed it away. He felt pain when Naruto hit the ground and did not get back up. Why is he feeling all this? It was never so strong before. He wanted to help, he has to help. The class now knows that they are married. Sasuke stood up and walked towards Naruto, picking up the underweight girl and carrying her to the nurse. It was a surprise when he lifted her up to feel her so light. He could see that she exercises, so she probably burnt all the fat away with her workout and replaced it with muscles.

Naruto woke up to see the ceiling of her room in their new house. What? The last she remembered was falling backwards and a sharp pain that followed before everything went dark. Naruto groaned and tried to sit up. She felt dizzy from that but she concluded it was probably from hitting her head. Sasuke must have moved me back here. Why? I thought he hates me. Oh that's right, now the entire class knows we're married. Life is going to be hell.

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