Chapter 17

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"Get up!!!!" Sasuke said playfully as he prodded the heiress who quickly pulled the duvet over her head. Sasuke kept poking randomly and Naruto kept squirming to try dodge the finger. "I don't wanna go to school." Naruto admitted, peeking out to look at Sasuke. He softened and leaned in to kiss her. "I'll be there with you. I'll protect you."
"You can't protect me forever."
"Watch me." Sasuke said, his eyes glint with determination and the will to never back down from his words. Naruto sighed and lowered the duvet. Sasuke lifted her off the bed and into the bathroom where he already prepared a tub of warm water. A little bit on the hotter side as Naruto hated water that is getting cold and she would much rather have water that is boiling hot than freezing cold water. The first time Sasuke had been dragged into the bathroom by the two mother as they thought him how to bath Naruto. The two flushed so red and Sasuke almost wanted to cover his eyes for Naruto's modesty. But he knows its for Naruto's and his sake so he forced himself to watch. It wasn't that she was hard to look at. In fact, her body was like a goddess. It was nicely toned yet skinny. He almost had a nosebleed but he willed himself to keep it in. She was nicely filled out and she curved at all the right places.
Once Sasuke finished bathing her and himself, -they do bathe together, don't judge...- Sasuke dried themselves quickly and wrapped a towel around himself then dressed her before dressing himself. Naruto had tried to roll away to annoy Sasuke when he was going to pull the heat tech over her head. She had chosen her clothing after being clad in her lingerie. She wanted to wear another one of Sasuke's hoodies and one of her many black pants. All her clothing are either black or navy blue -after Sasuke had accused her, she started shrinking away from social life in school and stuck to her current group of friends and she changed all her somewhat bright clothing into those dark colours- ... not that I can judge... all my clothing are either black or navy blue.
"Stop moving!" Sasuke chided as he tried to hold her down. Sasuke climbed on top of her, straddling her which took her by surprise so he quickly pulled the piece of clothing on but Naruto regained her sense and she quickly started flailing her arm that wasn't in the sleeves yet around. Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he thought of his battle plan. He leaned down and started kissing her, she stopped flailing so he pulled the arm through the sleeve whilst keeping her mouth occupied. She felt him smirk in triumph against the kiss so she sighed in defeat to let him know that she'll stop playing. But he doesn't wanna stop with the kissing. He trailed kisses down her chin to her neck. Naruto stifled a moan as Sasuke started biting and sucking on the skin on her neck. "Sasuke, mmm, breakfast and school, mmm." Sasuke finished another hickey before lifting her onto the wheelchair and pulling on her pants which she was playfully trying to push off when Sasuke was trying to dress her.

Sasuke glared at the teacher that was always glaring at Naruto when she thinks Sasuke wasn't watching. She kept trying to separate him and Naruto but the two had valid reason for sitting together and when she actually managed to move Naruto, the bell had rung and Sasuke glared at her, silently promising that this matter would be taken to the principal and she can say bye-bye to her job. Sasuke pushed her into the lift that carried them up to the rooftop when the lunch bell finally rang. Lets thank whatever god that was listening that there was no one there and they didn't have to jostle in the crowded hallways to get to locker. They have gotten permission to carry their bags around with them because of Naruto's disability but they were given special lockers in a place that wouldn't be so crowded so that they didn't have to carry the bag around if they don't want to. Naruto raised her eyebrows at the new structure on the roof. it was sheltered and there was flowers everywhere. In the middle, there was a chair and a table. Sasuke pushed her to the table and settled her wheelchair opposite the chair at the table before sitting himself in said chair.
"This is surely romantic. As long as no one interrupts us." Naruto said, lowering her hood. Sasuke smirked, holding up a bunch of keys. He locked the door to the roof. The truth is no one is suppose to be on the roof. The roof can only be accessed if you have the key to unlock that level on the lift.
This would work out.
This relationship would last.
The both of them could tell.

I will protect you no matter whatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora