Chapter 26

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"Let's play a game!" Temari exclaimed, heads all turned to her. The parents have already retreated to the study to have a conversation so the kids can have fun without feeling like they have to restrain themselves to much. "Let's play truth or dare!" Everyone moved into some sort of a circle so they faced each other. Tobi started first, he dared Temari to slap Konan which made the two lady look at each other. Temari got up and her eyes held a glint. Konan immediately knew what she was up to. After all the two were in drama class, improvisation and quick thinking was required. Temari's hands moved quick, both raised quickly and Temari made a show of looking like she hit hard, konan's head whipped harshly to the side which made everyone gasp. In actual fact, Temari had slapped her own hand to make the sound whilst Konan timed her head whip perfectly with the connection. Naruto's huff of laughter broke everyone out of their shock. "I see what you did there." Temari and Konan grinned at her.
"What?" Sasuke asked, nudging her gently with the elbow that is resting on the arm of the wheelchair. Naruto turned to face Sasuke. She made the same movement as Temari did with Konan. The loud clap resounded but Sasuke's head didn't even move. "You didn't even touch me." Sasuke asked, confused.
"Exactly the point, do you actually expect this two ladies who took drama classes to actually not learn about the slaps? Do you expect them to slap each other every time they have to act?" Naruto asked, turning abruptly away from Sasuke and towards Temari on her other side and did the fake slap, this time Temari's head moved on instinct from the time spent during drama class practicing. "See. Reflexes honed to almost perfection from all the fake slap practices." Naruto said.
"How did you know I took drama classes?" Konan asked.
"You wouldn't have known what Temari wanted you to do if you didn't take those classes and your body language told everything. You saw the subtle signal Temari gave and you knew what to do."
"You should seriously consider being a detective. You could probably solve cases that would have gone cold under other people.. Itachi pointed out.
"Do you think she didn't try that profession? She got promoted because she solved a case two hours after it was issued to her, the case was a difficult one and even the best couldn't solve it. She turned down the promotion saying she was just there for work experience but the higher ups had said they would keep that spot for her and she even has a office in the building with her name on it should she ever decide to join," Sasuke said, "and she was only what? 16 year old, by a few hours."
"Geez Sasuke, do you have to tell the whole world what I did?"
"What? I am proud of what you did." Sasuke said, pecking her on the lips. "Or should I tell them about the time we were at the shopping district and there was this bomb and you just strolled up to it, yanking a plier from one of the bomb disposal experts. It took you less than two seconds to defuse the bomb when the experts have been panicking for almost half an hour. You just bent over snipped something and walked away after one look. You were all over the news the next day. 'Mysterious girl in hoodie defused a bomb in seconds, strolling away with a man wearing an identical hoodie. Any information about this two, please contact us.'" Sasuke quoted.
"You were the one?! Oh my gawd!" Yahiko exclaimed in awe.
"Calm down... What about the time-" Naruto slapped a hand over Sasuke's mouth to shut him up.
"Not another word about me or I'll slit your throat Sasuke." Sasuke twitched and he licked Naruto's hand, hoping she would let go. "You know, licking my hand doesn't disgust me. You're the on taking the bacteria into your mouth." Naruto stated, smirking at Sasuke who cringed. Once Naruto was sure Sasuke wouldn't say anything, she released the hold on Sasuke's mouth. "My turn! Naruto! Truth or dare?" Temari said pointing straight at Naruto, having shifting from her side to the other side of the circle.
"What was the tattoo you got and where was it?" Everyone's head snapped to her, she never mentioned anything about a tattoo before. Even Sasuke looks surprised. "Uchiha! You would know! You bathe her!" Temari accused.
"I don't, I'm serious." Naruto smirked lightly at them all before she gestured for Sasuke to come closer. Naruto turned her head, pushing her hair away from her ear and flattened her ear to show the back of her ear. There was a small intricate cursive tattoo. Sasuke almost gasped out in shock at what was written. 'Together Forever, nothing will stop us.' That was the couple's motto when they were bestfriends. "What is it?!"
"It's kinda like our motto." Naruto said.
"I have the same tattoo as her but it wasn't planned." Sasuke said.
"You have a tattoo otouto?"
"Yes Aniki is that a problem?" Sasuke asked playfully. Itachi shook his head at the slight smirk on his brother's face.
"Truth or dare Itachi." Naruto asked.
"If you were to date someone else, who would you be dating? Assuming that all of us are single and that you could choose to date a boy or a girl and no one would say a thing."
"... I think I would date you Naruto." At that Naruto turned beetroot, blushing prettily and Sasuke hugged onto Naruto protectively.
"Aww, is this a sibling rivalry? Fighting for the same girl?" Konan cooed and Naruto covered her face with her hands.
"I'm serious Naru. If Sasuke hadn't come to his senses about not hating you and all, and that the arranged marriage never happened, I would actually court you." Itachi said, smirking and enjoying how pretty Naruto looks right now.

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