Chapter 9

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"You did good, Naruto-chan!" Mikoto beamed at the blond wrapped in towel, still wet from the dive into the water without even thinking. "Did you even think when you dived in?" Fugaku asked teasingly but got a surprisingly honest answer.
"No, it was like an instinct. My body just moved. My friends all said I had this thing where I just move without thinking when someone is in trouble. I can't help it, you know. According to my mom, I saved a teenager from getting hit by a car by pouncing on him and sent him flying backwards from the force to avoid the car when I was only five. She claimed to evidence which she showed me in the form of a video - I was either very brave or very stupid." Naruto mused as she looked down at her fingers that was exposed from trying to keep the towel around her.
"Sumimasen?" (Excuse me) everyone turn towards the source. The car accident family. "Yes?" Naruto asked smiling sweetly. The couple returned her pleasant smile before the mother bent down to pick up the girl hiding behind the father's legs. "Hi." The little girl greeted Naruto shyly as the mother walked towards her. "Hello sweetie. Are you feeling okay?" Naruto asked gently and the child immediately reached out towards Naruto and Naruto hesitatingly took the small child into her arms when the mother nodded at her, encouraging her.
"I'm olay!" The girl said chirpily, mispronouncing the word slightly.
"What did the doctor say to you?"
"He said you were betiful!" The child said, a big smile on her face.
"It's beau-ti-ful. No he did not say that."
"Yes he did! And I will be fine! I just have to 'tay for a whale!" Naruto laughed at her mispronunciation.
"It's a while." Naruto watched the little girl mouth it to herself, as if trying the word in her mouth before she said it out loud, managing to make it sound a little better. "He said you pretty!"
"Really?" Naruto asked, her lips twists in amusement.
"Yeeeaaahhh! He said pretty lady is good. Pretty lady is nice and... What is that word... Chee- uhh."
"Cheerful?" Naruto suggested helpfully and the child brightened, nodding eagerly. "Were you discussing about me or about your patient, doctor Watanabe?" Naruto asked, looking up, causing the girl to look around too. "He was the one!" The little girl said, pointing to the doctor.
"Well Naruto-San, or should say doctor, she wouldn't let me check if I didn't answer her questions."
"Ah." Naruto made the noise as if it explained everything.
"Pretty lady have a hubby?" The girl asked, pulling at Naruto's fingers and noticing the ring on the finger the parents wear theirs. "Yeah, take a guess." Naruto said, entertaining the child. She whipped around and scanned everyone's faces. "Him!" The little declared, sounding proud as she pointed at Itachi. Mikoto tried to hide a giggle, the rest of the uchihas just raised their eyebrows in the typical Uchiha attitude.
"Nope!" Naruto said, popping the 'p'. The little girl frowned as she climbed off Naruto and onto the counter she was sitting on. The girl tugged at her hair in concentration. "It can't be that duck butt can it? He looks mean!" Naruto burst out laughing at how she described Sasuke. "Too bad, princess. The man you called 'duck butt' is my husband." The little girl gasped and whacked her on the head lightly. "But he looks mean! Are you se- uh.... Seeeee-."
"Serious?" Naruto helped.
"Yeah! That! He looks like a bad man!"
"Nah." Naruto said, brushing off the accusation. "He is a pretty nice guy, look, I'll show you something." Naruto said as she turned to rummage in her bag for her phone. "There, not that bad right?" Naruto said, holding out her phone for the girl to look at the photo. It was her and Sasuke together, Sasuke had his arm slung over her shoulder, his face lit up with a happy grin like Naruto's face was. That was when Sasuke still considered her as his bestfriend. The little girl frowned at the photo and then at Sasuke and everyone else. "Let's go, Sora." The mother said.
"It's nice meeting you Sora-Hime." Sora giggled at being called a princess but she still looked like she wasn't willing to leave. Naruto went through her bag again and tore out a piece of paper from her notebook and dug out a pen. She scribbled on it before folding it carefully and placing it in Sora's hand. Naruto whispered something to her, making the her laugh and Naruto had a soft smile on her angelic face. Naruto helped her down and she started walking away but suddenly ran back to Naruto, gesturing for a hug. Then she whispered something back into Naruto's ears, making Naruto smile again and she nodded with a serious expression on her face. Everyone wondered what the child said as she ran to her parents. "Goodbye Joo-sama!" Sora farewelled cheerfully, clenching the paper in her hand tightly as if afraid she would lose it. Naruto blushed prettily at being called queen. Naruto raised a hand as a farewell and the child curtsied playfully with a grin on her cherub face. "So... Joo-sama." Mikoto teased and Naruto turned beetroot in embarrassment, making Mikoto laugh at Naruto's cuteness. This happy go lucky blond... Everyone loves her. She is well respected, it isn't hard to see why.

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