Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Sorry, but I'm going to have to be a little rough here." Tyler says

"Wh- ahhh" He then starts to run dragging me behind. "Slow down!" We run out of school and he drags me into the woods. Without notice he shifts into his wolf through mid air. He's a black wolf with a white streak running through the top of his head, traveling down his spine, and onto the tail. I stand there looking at him. After ruffing which seems to be in annoyance he mind links me.

"Get on. We have pursuers. I don't want to die."


"Stop saying what. It's aggravating." He doesn't even sound worried. "Hurry!"

I quickly get onto his back. Without warning he starts running. He's fast. I pull against his neck to keep from falling off.

"I Freakin told you to hurry. Now they are right behind us!" Tyler whines. I pull my head back and see 6 brown wolves chasing us and another one who is Grey. "Sh*t and he just had to be sent." I couldn't see Tyler's face but I could already guess he was rolling his eyes. "Dam*, guess I'll just have to fight. But man if I die, I totally blame you. I'm still young." Guilt creeps into my heart.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"Just joking. This is a piece of cake except for I don't know about the Grey wolf."

"Who are they?"

"Shhhhh enough with the questions.That's what got us here in the first place. If you would just keep quiet, pretty sure I could've already left them behind. Anyways, when I fight them, don't you dare let go. Pretty sure they would never attack you. Only me."

"Why's that?"
"Well you see, you are a very important piece in this game, and I'm pretty sure, the beholder of these wolves wouldn't want you dead. Anyways enough diddly daddling, I'm turning." Without warning he jumped in midair and turned around.. My hair was flying everywhere. Tyler landed and his body was moving backwards, the soil being clawed being used for friction which would allow him to stop himself. We've finally stopped.

The wolves surrounded us. They barred their teeth.

"Remember, never let go..... unless you want hundred to die." I clutch onto his neck tighter. And then we are engulfed in a moment of silence where just the wind and leaves speak. I hear a muffled sound coming from Tyler as I see it as a laugh. It stays like this for about 2 minutes. Crunch! A brown wolf starts charging, then another. Tyler laughs one more times as he runs forward.

One of them try to bite Tyler as Tyler doges it. He bites the attackers leg and then throws him into the other brown wolf who was charging right after the first attacker. Suddenly every brown wolf comes forward except the grey one. Tyler wrestles all of them. Despite being by himself, he holds himself against them well. I can only expect that these brown wolves are just regular pack warriors. Tyler being a Beta, he is quite strong. So far he only gianed 4 bites, I think. A brown wolf tries to attack him. Tyler doges as I'm put in line with the brown's wolfs attack line. I scream, but jsut as Tyler was saying, The brown wolf throws himself to one side, avoid trying to hit me. This happens multiple times, as now I feel like a weapon, Tyler uses against these wolves. He already takes down 2.'Despite the ferocity and tension of the battle, there is a lot of blood. I cannot tell if it is from Tyler or the wolves, but there is a lot. The battle continues on. To my satisfaction, Tyler has taken every brown wolf down. They aren't dead. They just look disabled. Some even shift back to human form and I see their naked bodies. I recognize them now. They were some of the pack members in Alpha Hadden's pack. But why would they come after me and Tyler. Tyler breathes heavily. I see he bleeds on his side as blood keeps drawing out.

Tyler looks at the Grey wolf. The Grey wolf takes a step closer.

"Has anyone told you who the strongest Beta is out of all 5 packs?"

"No." In truth, we don't hear much of the Betas. We only hear of their academic achievements, rarely of their strength.

"Maybe you'll find out today." Suddenly Tyler charges forward towards the Grey wolf. I hold on desperately. Tyler growls. He takes a snap at the grey wolf, but it dodges. Instead it counter attacks by digging his canines into Tyler's wound and drags his canines across his body as Tyler flies pass by it. Tyler whimpers. "Fu*k that hurt!" He lands. He breathes heavily. I look at Tyler's wound as it has opened bigger. The end of the wound of what the grey wolf did is already healing a bit.

Suddenly the grey wolf turns back around and charges towards Tyler. Tyler prepares. Tyler attacks its neck and throws it onto the ground. Tyler gets up on it. Tyler starts attacking from the top. The grey wolf snarls and throws Tyler off. I hold on tightly as we both land on the ground. Tyler makes sure not to crush me.

"Sorry, it's going to be rough. Bear with me. I'll finish this quickly." Tyler charges forward again. He grabs onto the grey wolf's neck. He then runs the grey wolf into the nearest tree. He rams it into the tree multiple times. The grey wolf whimpers in pain. The grey wolf's flesh starts to tear as cuts form. The grey wolf bites at Tyler's faces allowing a gash to form on Tyler's forehead. Angered, Tyler lets the grey wolf go and aims for it's leg. Tyler then bites it. Then you could hear a loud crack. The grey wolf snarls in pain. Then Tyler aims for it's opposite hind leg and snaps it. The grey wolf whimpers on the grounds as it is immobile.

Tyler then turn around and starts running with me amazed.

"And that is why, I'm the strongest Beta."

"He was a beta?" I ask

"Yeah, wasn't it obvious?"

"Oh, not really. "

"Oh bummer. Makes me look a bit of a weakling."

"No no no, it was a good fight. You looked cool."

Tyler gargles a bit. I know he is laughing. "I always look cool"

I laugh along with him. I look back at the sight of wolves. The grey wolf tries hard to get up but can't. I see him shift back into his human. His human sight scares me. Beta Grey. Alpha Hadden's Beta. But why are his people here. Why did they come after us? I close my thoughts away from it, keeping myself from lying to myself again. No he didn't come to get me back at all. He wanted something else. I turned away and faced forward.

End of Chapter 7


Tyler is such weirdo. I don't know what I was thinking when I added him into the story. Maybe I was perfering an unattached sophisticated Beta, but honestly I don't know what he seems to be.To me he seems to be sassy hahaha. I wish I was a reader because from an author's view I don't get to experience the thrill. In my terms, I think this chapter was ok. I'm not that great at writing combat scenes as you see I skipped many details. Sorry. But I hope this chapter showed some good character development.

Love, Dola


This chapter is very unedited.

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