Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I don't know how long I sat there, but I was finnaly awakken from my daze. I saw shoes. I looked up and I saw a man. Specifically that man was Alpha Hyde. I could tell my face was swollen. My eyes hurt from the crying. I don't know, but when I saw Alpha Hyde, I just, tears flowed out of my eyes easily. I just wanted to tell someone. I just wanted someone to care.

"He left me" I say brokenly.

"I know, you did your best." he says. He walks towards me and picks me up in bridal style. I snuggle into his chest while I cry. I don't know what makes me do this, but strangely, he's warm and comfoting.

I awaken due to a loud crash. I was on the floor with a blanket over me. I look around at my surroundings. It was Alpha Hyde's room. I faintly hear a cry. It comes from outside the room. I hear screaming.

"Fu*k you Hyde!" It was a girl voice. It was evident she was the one crying. I hear another crash. It sounds like glass. "Take me back to Wade! He will come kill you once he finds out you've stolen me!" she angrily screams. Realization hits me as I know this is Angela.

"He doesn't love you" Alpha Hyde screams as it seems as if he angy too.

"You're just saying that so I would leave him. Head my words Hyde. I will never ever love nor choose you!"

"He has a mate out there!" Hyde screams. My hear clenches.

"Screw her! Wade said she died a long time ago." By this my heart feels as it's being squeezed. Tears roll down my face.

"He's lying." Hyde says.

"He'd never lie to me. He loves me."

"You're delusional."

"You're the one who's delusional. No one will ever love a monster like you!" She yells. I soon hear faint sobbing as it gets quiter and quiter until it is unable to be heard. I hear the door slam. I hear heavy footsteps as they get farther away. Faintly I hear another door slam. I make my ways towards the window. I see Alpha Hyde run towards the woods.

"The last chance." I rember his words. If this was really the last chance, by kidnapping Angela, was that Alpha Hyde's job. I could not see where he was going with this. I somehow managed to sleep.

I was awaken to be in Alpha Hyde's arms. He was carrying me. Startled I tried to get out.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He ignores me and grips me tighter. He sits me down on the couch.

"Sit here."

He leaves me. After he comes in with Angela who struggles against him while he is holding his wrist.

"Let go of me!" he throws her roughly against the couch beside me. She storms up and tries to leave but Alpha Hyde grabs her and throws her back against the couch. This happens a couple times until Angela finally give up. She cries.

In the distance, you could hear soft steps. They got louder and louder as it was coming closer. In walks in Wade. By the presence of Wade, my heart stops and clenches as I feel an overwhelming pain that brings sadness. Angela looks up after hiding her face in her hands. Her eyes are swollen. She gets up, runs, and hugs Wade. Hyde looking a little amused heads over to a chair and sits down.

"I knew you'd come save me. Take me away from here." Angela cries. Wade holds her as he kisses her head. I starein hurt and anger.

"As said. Choose you girl. You better choose wisely." Hyde says.

"What does he mean?" Angela asks.

"Nothing." Wade says. He takes a deep breath as Angela looks at him. He looks down and then up. He takes another deep breath. He walks towards me slowly as both Hyde and Angela look at him. I see a small smirk on Hyde's face. My hearts beats irregularity. He stops in front of me and bends down towards my hear. Barely under a whisper that no one can hear except for me, he says "I'm sorry. I reject you Adira Knight as Alpha Wade Black. I cannot accept you as my Luna." Unhopeful and broken, a tear slips out. He backs away as if anything has not happened. He walks back and grabs Angela's hand. Hyde's smirk goes away as he looks cold. "I choose Angela. Never come bother us again. As agreed, Angela belongs to me."

"Fine." Alpha Hyde says emotionalessly. Unhelpful, we both watch as they walk away and leave. Frozen and cold, I can't move. I wish to go after them but I cant. I try so hard, but I just cant. Only tears come out.

I don't know how I fell alseep but I wake up. It's completely dark. The moonight shines, illuminating half of Alpha's Hyde's face.

"You're finnaly awake." I nod.

"From here on out, you belong to me." He looks at me dead serious, "no matter what, you can never leave. You are mine."

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