Chapter Thirteen: Taming the Beast...

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Theo stormed into his chambers; frustrated, tired, and angry. After speaking with his brother, Theo promised himself to find out who's killing the workers. The furious king sat down in his special made chair that was set in front of the fireplace.

"Theo?" Sophia; the princess of Spain walked into the chambers to see her husband pondering about his plans. "Are you alright?" Her accent was easily heard.

Theo sighed. "Yes Sophia, I am fine."

Sophia stood in front of Theo with curiosity. "I've heard, about the servant," she said in disgust.

Theo shot daggers at her. "Have some respect," he spat. "She's dead for god sakes, and she not a servant. Anna was my sister's close friend."

"My apologies, I did not know. You found her? Dead?"

Theo shook her head. "Another lady that is close to my sister found her. I just heard the screams," Theo told the story for the fifth time today.

Sophia looked down at her husband, her brown eyes was focused on his green eyes, as if her state will make him tell the truth; but of course it did not. "Okay. What did the councilman say? Did they speak about the Portuguese?" The beautiful Spaniard took a seat on the footrest.

"Of course. Without the French, we'll lose the war," Theo stated.

"We do not need those bread eating idiotas. They're weak and foolish. Why would we want weaklings?" Sophia asked.

Theo looked down at the foolish Spaniard. "Those weaklings has great numbers of soldiers, weapons, boats, livestock. Things we need to win. Keep your mind on being a proper queen and stop sticking your nose in war statics," Theo stood on his feet, so did Sophia.

"I am sorry, Theo. I did not mean to say such things, please forgive me," she begged.

Theo nod. "I will forgive you. I am going to step out, excuse me," he did what he said by walking out the castle and into the field of grass.

Meanwhile, Akia stood behind Fran as she looked at herself in the mirror. "You did well like always Akia," Fran said; earning a smile from her sister in law.

"I try my best, Princess," Akia set the brush down on the wood table. "I am sorry about Anna, Fran. I knew she was your friend."

Fran took a deep breath. "Yes, she was. Anna was always so sweet, smart, but naive. We knew each other for eleven years, she was always by my side. Now she's gone," Fran sighed. "I will miss her."

"Everyone will miss Anna."

Fran looked at Akia through the mirror. "Are you sure everyone will miss her?"

"I do not know, but I am sure a great number of people will," Akia said.

Fran shook her head. "I want to know who killed my friend, Akia."

Akia nod in understanding. "I do too."

Later on, Akia walked through the corridors, hoping to see Theo walking through the halls as well. When she turned the corner, her body would of smacked into another if she did not catch herself.

"Oh diablos!" Someone, no other than Sophia yelled out in shock.

Akia took a few steps back before giving the woman her husband is laying at night with a curtsy. "My apologies your majesty. I did not see you," Akia informed. When she looked up, Akia was shocked from the beautiful woman she is supposed to hate.

Sophia's black wavy hair cascade down her back, her body was thin, she was tall. Sophia's lips was pink and plump while her light brown eyes burn holes into Akia's face. "You campesino, how dare you step close to me?!"

Akia's heart was pounding against her chest as the beautiful woman, whom is ugly now because of her attitude. Akia was not scared of Sophia, but she was scared of herself when she had the urge to smack Sophia in her face. "Like I said my queen, I am sorry," she said through gritted teeth as she tried to push her anger down.

Sophia scoffed. "What's your name peasant?"

"Akia, your majesty. I am the princess lady in waiting," she informed as she tried to tame the beast inside of her.

"Who puts a girl like you as a lady in waiting? Whoever did this is a fool," a evil grin formed on Sophia's face.

"Fool? I wouldn't say the princess is a fool."

Once again Sophia scoffed then laughed. "Princess Fran is a child, and also a fool if she has a servant as a lady in waiting. Unless you come from a family of wealth."

Akia shook her head. "My family is wealthy, in heart but not in wage. If you would excuse me my queen, I must head to the kitchen," Akia lied only to get away from the heartless woman.

Sophia glared at Akia before walking past her and turning the corner to the other hall Akia just came from.

Akia smirked and thought. She is the fool.

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