Chapter Eighteen: Absent from the throne....

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A dreadful winter was set upon the people, as the king was absent from the throne and his little brother in charge; misfortune went through the city. Taxes was raised from the war, young men was sent away from their families, bandits and pirates practically took over the city, the plague spreading and the castle going silent.

Akia did not bother to step out the comfy cabin unless she was delivering clean cloths to the servant cabins, walking Mary to school or getting food for the two of them. Now six months away from giving birth and six months away from seeing her husband again; Akia held high hopes.

She send prayers every night for the safety of her husband, family including Mary and her unborn child. Hoping someone up there would hear her cries.

"Akia please, I promise I will be in and out." Mary whined as she tugged on Akia's thick fabric called a dress. The two of them was currently in the market, getting necessary items. As they walked along the tents, Mary spotted a antique tent on the far end of the market. Usually Akia would say yes, but unfortunately the tent was surrounded by bandits and non gentlemen like males; beast.

"Wait child, I do not want you to go on your own." Akia ram her hand down Mary's blonde hair that grew quite long during the past months.

Mary pouted but nod in understanding. She understood many things, such as those men would easily take advantage of her beauty and innocence she harvest. Now ten, Mary look mature; a early sign that she is becoming a woman very soon.

"I can escort the beautiful young lady," a familiar deep voice said, making Mary and Akia turn to the make that own the deep voice.

"Daniel!" Mary jumped into Daniels arms with a huge smile on both of their faces. During the past months, Daniel has been around a lot. He helped the two young ladies with hard labor and give them protection.

Aka smiled as well, but kept it small. "Daniel, it is nice seeing you. What brings you here?"

Daniel eased Mary down on her small feet. "Winter. Apparently the cold weather and taxes is cutting travels short."

"Does this mean you will stay longer?" Mary asked, the color red replace her pale cheeks once the cold wind got her.

Akia noticed and tied Mary's scurf over her mouth and cheeks to give the child extra warmth. "We must get going, it is awful cold and I don't want Mary catching anything."

Daniel smiled at Akia's sudden mother instincts. "Of course, let me tag along. I've been craving your chicken soap."

Akia nod. "You are always welcome Daniel."

Meanwhile, behind the castle stone walls; Sophia rest her head on the broad chest of the man she has committed plenty of sins with, before her marriage with the absent king.

"My love, when are we going to share the castle?" Sophia asked for the tenth time.

The man she was laying on smiled then sighed. "When that dirty king's head is on a pike to show this fucking miserable kingdom."

Sophia laughed with evil in her voice and mind. She sat up to look at the man she has fallen in love with. "You will not be a duke anymore, you'll be the king of Europe and I will be your queen."

The chambers doors opened, George stormed in seeing the sinful couple in his brother's bed. "What do I hear about the taxes raising?!" He yelled as he paced back and forth at the foot of the bed. "What did I say, we can not let the people suffer. We are-"

"Quit your worrying," the duke stood up in all his glory. "The people of this horrible shit hole will not do anything to you nor anyone else. We raised taxes to provide for the kingdom." The duke poured himself a glass of whiskey.

George looked at him, red pigment crept up on his cheeks before he instantly look away. Sophia noticed and laughed. "Oh Vincent, I think he's getting aroused. I think you should put your trousers on."

Duke Vincent shook his head and chuckled. "Oh George, it's a shame you've a pansy but to be a pansy and get aroused by your first cousin. Tsk tsk, what will uncle think of this."

Rage went through George blood. "Don't speak of my father! Do not raise any more taxes!" With that, George stormed back out of the door.

The sound of swords clinging together, men screaming, cannons going off filled Theo's ears. In the middle of the battle with blood on his armor and sword clinched in his hand. After killing his opponent, he looked at the scene around him. His men was winning, but many has fallen.

I have to make it. Those words ran through his head as he easily killed another Portuguese. I have to see Akia again. I have to hear her, feel her touch, hold her into my arms.

Theo raised his sword before charging forward. "Kill or be killed!"

Akia set a hot bowl of chicken soap in front of Daniel. Mary sat close to Daniel with a huge smile on her face. The two adults knew Mary had a huge crush on Daniel; which made the two laugh every time Mary would blush when Daniel speak.

"Enjoy." Akia went towards the pot and poured herself and Mary a bowl with a slice of bread on the side.

As the three of them sat around the table, Akia noticed Mary did not touch her food. "Mary, are you alright?"

Mary nod. "Yes, just a little drained."

Akia reached over to touch Mary's forehead. "You're burning up and your face is pale." Akia stood on her feet and went to Mary's side.

"I am fine Akia."

"You are not fine Mary," Daniel said. "Is anyone in your school out sick?"

Mary eyes wandered until she found the answer. "A girl in my school whom was ill for the past days. She has not shown up since."

Akia instantly grew worried. "You should lay down." Akia pulled Mary's chair out from the table, so Daniel can pick Mary up and set her on Akia's bed. Since it was on the same floor and easy to get to.

"I am fine-" Mary could not finish her sentence. Her body twisted to the side as she coughed up her lungs.

"Lay her straight, I'm going to get some medicine." Akia did as that. Mary gulped down the full spoon of medicine easily. Sweat started to form on her forehead as her blue eyes went dull. "The medicine isn't working," Akia announced.

"I have something on the ship. I have-"

"Hurry, please." Akia caressed Mary's pale cheek. Daniel nod and hurried out the cabin. Mary's body shivered and instantly turned cold. "Everything is going to be okay."

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