Chapter Twenty: Long voyage back home...

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The fresh ocean smell filled her nostrils, the waves rocked the huge ship while the light breeze made Akia's long curly hair sweep across her face. For the fifth time now she tucked her hair behind her ear; usually a female would become annoyed and frustrated, but Akia was not. Akia mind was too occupied with thoughts, mainly about Theo and how he took the letter she sent him.

Did he take it as his fault? Should I have not told him about the castle? Mary? Me living my new home to go back to my old one where my family is? Akia thought over and over again as the long voyage of almost a month made her wary and already home sick. But not for Angelo, but for York.

Akia has seen many lands; the desert of the middle-east to the exotic lands of South America, and still none of the lands she encountered can change her mind of York; cold, wet and the disease holding land. She loved that land, like she loved Theo.

"Theo.." Her voice held sadness and despair.

"Akia, we set sail in Angelo pets soon. Maybe you should go to your bunk," Susan; the captain's wife informed.

Akia once again tucked her hair behind her ear before nodding her head in understanding. While holding her plumb stomach, Akia eased her way down the steep steps that led her straight to the extra bunk near the captain's sleeping chambers and far away from the sailors. Under the protection of Daniel, Susan and even the captain himself; Akia was never touched. Not only because of her protection, but because her baby as well.

From the common information Susan gave Akia, it is really common for a woman to conceive a child on or the day after her wedding night. Now knowing the information Akia found out and her stomach, it's a high possibility she will have her child in five months.

"Are you nervous?" Susan asked as the both of them took a seat on Akia's bunk. "When I sailed back to India after a voyage with Thomas, I was nervous to see my family. My family never approved of me taking vows with Thomas, my father claimed it brought so much shame to the family he was forced to disown me."

Thinking about her own father disowning her, made Akia cringe. "I'm nervous, really nervous."

"Land!" The two of them heard a sailor scream out.

"Akia, do not worry. From the stories you told me about your family, they will be in so much joy to see you with a child and husband."

Akia shook her head in disagreement. "Whom is not here with me. I should have never left York, I'm so foolish." Tears streamed down Akia's face.

"You are not foolish Akia. You was doing what's best for you and your child. I assure you, you will see Theo again."

Theo slumped over from exhaustion with his sword full of blood in one hand and the general of the Portuguese army in the other. His army cheered and stomped on their victims dead bodies in victory and joy. They have won the battle but not the war.

"King Theo, are you alright?" General Lucas asked in full concern for his king.

Theo stood up straight by stretching out his back. "Set camp, we head for the scums castle at d-"

"King Theo, the Portugal king is coming this way. With an army of three hundred men." A scrawny boy said while panting for air.

Lucas and Theo shared glances before giving a command. "Men! Get in position!" Lucas yelled; immediately getting in position. Theo stood in front of his army without his trusty stallion; unfortunately killed in battle.

There they was, the enemy sat on his high horse with pride, confidence and an army behind him; knowing Theo and his army killed half of his men and only losing a quarter of his army. Theo met him half way on foot with General Lucas beside him and a few men behind him with weapons in their hands.

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