Chapter Twenty-Three: False...

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Hours of running wore Akia and Jalila out. Luckily they was at the edge of the forest and the men gave up trying to chase after them three miles back. Akia leaned on a tree while checking to see of Chander was okay; which he was.

Even when it's dark, Akia can still see his brown eyes that held specks of green in them. It was unique. Akia put him in her arms and loosen the cloth that was tightly wrapped around his body so he can move his arms.

"There's a village, they probably have food and clothes." Jalila said as she looked from behind the tree they was leaning on. "Just to be safe, we would have to use false names and identity," Jalila looked at her queen to see Akia looking into space. Reading her mind, Jalila put a hand on Akia's shoulder. "You'll go back to him, I'll make sure of that."

Akia turned to Jalila with concern in her eyes. "What if-"

"There's no what ifs." Jalila stated. "You'll be on his arm, the both of you. Now, don't call me Jalila. Call me Raschelle; a widow that was married to a knight that died in war. You're Gretchen, a wet nurse whom just had a child; Ralph. Also a widow whom husband died from the plague before you gave birth. Remember your name, use the cloth to cover your hair and half of your face."

"How about you? Your dress is torn."

"Do not worry about me. Put the cloth that you used for Chander on."

Akia did what Jalila said by giving Jalila Chander and start to cover her hair and half of her face so only her eyes and forehead can show. Jalila nod in approval before stepping out from the forest with Akia holding Chander safely in her arms following behind.

Fits of laughter filled the air as the two of them walked further to the village, which was more like a village brothel. Women of all colors walked around half dressed while men gawked or pay to get a closer look.

"Stay close," Jalila mumbled before walking pass a whole group of drunken men. They walked into the brothel where it was worse than outside. Akia brought Chander even closer to her chest in a protective way.

"We don't have anymore room," a woman with jet black wavy hair, green eyes and tan skin; just like Theo said. She looked at Chander in Akia's arms, "this place isn't for children either."

"I'm sorry to trouble you. We just need clothes, food and somewhere to sit. I do not have gold, but I can work." Jalila bargains.

"Can she work to?" The woman said, referring to Akia. "We have children, we need someone to take care of them until morning."

Akia nudged Jalila to take the deal.  "We can-"

"We? No only her, you can entertain the guest. I need a Arabic woman, the Pirates apparently love their jewels."

"No," Akia spoke up, her voice was muffled underneath the cloth. "We'll pass the offer, but thank you."

The woman looked at Akia, like she was studying her eyes. "Come with me," the woman walked off to a set of stairs. Akia followed first than Jalila. Once in a small empty room, the woman snatched off the cloth from Akia's face. "I knew I recognize those eyes from somewhere."

Somehow Jalila had a knife in her hand and put it to the woman's neck. "Who are you?"

The woman eyed Jalila before answering the question with no hint of fear in her voice; like she has been in this situation several times. "Quintella Thorn, the bastard child of King Robert."

Jalila looked back towards Akia. "King Robert?"

"Theo's father. How do you know me? I mean, we never encountered each other before."

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