Chapter Nineteen:News...

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Mary's body shivered once again as the village doctor checked over her; twice this week. With a sigh, the old doctor stood on his feet and shook his head towards Akia and Daniel.

"What's wrong? Is she going to be okay?" Akia asked with worry.

"I'm sorry Madam," his French accent was rough but easy to understand. "Mary has the plague, I advice you to set arrangements very soon."

Akia eyes watered up. "No, she's not going to die. She's going to get better, just give her some medicine. Do something, you can't just walk away like this! She's a child!" She screamed and held on to her plumb stomach.

"Akia, calm down." Daniel grabbed onto her shoulders. "Thank you doctor."

The old French man gave them both a apologetic nod before walking out of the cozy cabin. Akia went to Mary's side and grabbed onto her small, pale and freezing hand.


"Don't," tears streamed down her face. "Just don't, the Doctor is wrong. Mary will be fine and she's going to live a long life." Akia mainly told herself.

Daniel knelt down next to Akia. "You should not be here right now."

"Why shouldn't I?!" Akia basically yelled. "She's my responsibility, if I'm not here by her side when she gets better-"

"You're with child Akia! Think about it. If you catch the plague, not only will you die but your child will as well. You're putting another living thing at risk by staying here and waiting for the slim possibility that Mary will get well." Daniel stated.

Akia immediately shot glares at him. "Slim possibility? There is not a slim possibility, Mary will survive. I know this."

Daniel sighed. "Yo-"

"You can leave," Akia looked back towards Mary and watched as she forced herself to take s huge gulp of air.

"Akia, don't do this. You know I am right, Mary will not be alone when you're gone. She'll be protected and looked upon by a ship mate and his wife. You can go back to Angelo to see your family. I'm sure they miss you." Daniel tried to reason, but knowing Akia; she is as stubborn as a mole.

"I said you can leave." She said, not bothering to towards him.

Daniel looked down at Akia then art before standing on his feet and walking out into the freezing winter day. Akia sat on the uncomfortable wooden floor by Mary's bed as she held onto her hand. "Mary," Akia called. "Get well, for us."

Theo wiped down his sword clean from his enemies blood as he sat in his small tent. "My king," the sound of the tent flapping open and closed made Theo stop cleaning his sword and look up at the uninvited guess.

"Yes?" He said while seeing his own breath freeze. Theo scratched his now fully grown in beard that also turned to ice.

"News from the castle." The man held out a letter in his shaking hands.

Theo grabbed the letter and waved the man off so he can have his privacy. Once the man left, Theo examined the letter to see that there was stamp, but not the castle stamp. Instead it was red wax with a speck of wildflower on it.

Theo immediately opened it and immediately recognized the beautiful cursive hand writing.

Dear Theo, my king.
I had to say that the letter is from the castle because I do not know who can be trusted or not. I have some news, rather you take it as good or terrible news.
Mary, passed away from the plague that's spreading around in the village. I'm fine and our baby is as well. Just to be safe, I am going back to Angelo until winter is over. My trusted friend will accompany me during this voyage. I am terribly sorry to not bring good news, especially during the dark time like this. I did not want you to come back to see me and Mary gone without a trace. Also, the castle went silent, something is going on in there to make them raise taxes on the people. Come back soon, not only do I need you but your people do to. I love you Theo and I will see you again.

From your one and only wife; Akia.

Theo balled the letter up in his hand, and threw it in the fire to make sure he nor anyone else would red the terrible letter. He gripped the sword handle in hemisphere hand into his knuckles turned white. His chest moved up and down rapidly as anger and frustration course through his veins.

Theo stood on his feet and paced back and forth in the tent; trying to calm his anger levels down, but of course that didn't work when he flipped the table full of maps over and throwing the full bottle of wine on the hard cold ground. Guards started rush in and witness their king have a rampage in his tent.

He soon stopped and knelt down to collect himself by pushing his long hair of his face and taking slow and deep breaths.

"Tell the general to get the men ready, we're going to end this war."

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