Chapter Twenty-two: Moon...

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Wobbling her way towards the village orphanage, Akia held onto her dress so she would not trip. The orphan care taker bowed to her queen as the villagers gathered around in awe. "Your highness, it is wonderful to see you. If I was notified you was coming today, I would of made preparations." An older lady with streaks of gray in hair red hair said.

Akia shook her head. "It is okay Lady Margret, I was in the market and decided to check on the children and to bring food and water." On cue ten guards walked through the orphanage door with baskets of bread, cheese and fruits.

Lady Margret eyes widened in surprise. "God bless you Queen Akia. Please come,"

"Queen Akia, we should go back soon. The sun is going down and King Theo order us to come back before sundown," said by Akia's lady in waiting, Jalila Tariff; an seventeen year old Arabic beauty with olive skin, piercing blue eyes, long wavy black hair and pink lips. Whom father is a emperor of a large city in the middle-east and mother that use to be part of a small tribe in North America. She came to York as a huge token of appreciation from her father, since he already has thirteen daughters and five sons from different women; it was not hard to give her up.

Akia chuckled more to herself. "We'll be fine Jalila, do not worry about the king. We're just going to go in, see the children and leave right out," Akia turned to Lady Margret. "Is that okay with you lady Margret?"

The older lady nod quickly. "Of course. The children will be excited to see the two of you."

"Then it's settled," Akia wobbled her way inside with Jalila close behind her. Once they stepped further inside, they was ambushed by a bunch of small children hoping for a hug from either one of them.

"Okay children, settle down." Lady Margret ordered. Instantly the kids settled down and gave Akia and Jalila room to breath. "Remember the queen is almost ready to pop, so you can not tackle her nor Lady Jalila." The children chuckled from Lady Margret's small humor.

Akia brushed out the knots in her recently wet hair as Theo walked in their chambers tensed with worry. Seeing his wife with his own eyes, unharmed and happy made him relax a little. "Hello," Akia greeted with a smile as she kept brushing her hair and looking into the mirror.

"Hello? That's all I get when you disobey my orders." Theo bickered as he walked closer to his wife.

"Orders? Disobey?" Akia asked in confusion.

"Don't say it like you don't know the meaning of those words." He spat.

"When it's coming from my own husband's mouth" Akia slowly turned her body towards him in the steady stool. "I hope you did not rant at Jalila, it was my decision to stay and she went along with it."

Theo huffed. "After I said not to. You do realize I have enemies that would take you from me because you're my weakness. I don't want you staying in the village after dark. It's dangerous."

"The castle is dangerous as well," Akia spat back. "Do you expect me to stay behind stone walls and not be with the people I made a promise to?"

"No, but I expect you to be obedient to my orders-"

Akia scrunched up her face in anger. "I am not your dog nor child! The vows say I will submit not obey. I was doing my duty as a good Queen that loves her people. Like you do you duties as a king the protect the people." She eased on her feet. Theo grabbed onto her elbow to help her up and escort her to the bed.

"I'm sorry, I just-" Theo sighed as he pulled the thick covers back for Akia to get in.

"It's fine." She pulled the covers towards her chest.

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