Chapter Twenty-Six: Delusions...

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Chander kept his head in his hands to mainly block out the stench from Jalila's dead body. The sounds of wave crashing against the ship blocked out his cries. The woman walked out the shadows and stood in front of him with carious looks.

"You have so many tears," she said. "You should cry it all out now because once you are sold, your owner would not like this behavior."

Chander looked up at the ugly woman. "I want my mama!" He screamed, earning a hard slap to his face.

"What did I say?!" The man stood beside her.

"He was showing disobedience. I had to punish him."

The man huffed in frustration. "Don't do it again, take him to the top. It stinks down here."

The woman chuckled to herself as she stood up straight. "I was told you have a soft spot for children, but I didn't know it was that soft."

The man grabbed the woman by the throat with his large hands. "Don't take that softness as a advantage. I will still snap your throat like a twig. Now take him up."

She pushed his hand away with a cough. "You take him." The woman walked back into the darkness.

The man looked down towards Chander, with a sigh he picked up Chander's tiny body in his arms before walking into the shadows and up steep steps. The light from outside made Chander whimper and cover his face into the man neck.

"You came up just in time," the man said. "It's about to be sun rise. See," he turned Chander around so he can face west where the son is peeking over the sea while the sky turned red-orange.

The young prince eyes widened from the beautiful site in front of him. Then instantly he thought of someone close to his heart, "Mama.."

Akia's eyes opened to see the color of red-orange dancing across the chamber walls as the sun rises. She turned to her side, expecting Theo not to be in bed; which he wasn't, but instead he was looking out the window.

"Morning," Theo said, before walking towards the table to pour Akia a glass of water. As he walked towards her, Akia slowly sat up while rubbing the back of her head where it throbbed from lack of sleep.

She accepted the glass of water with a small smile before taking a sip. "Morning,"

"Did the medicine work?" Theo asked.

Akia shook her head no. "What the measter gave me, kept making me have delusions and nightmares."

"Well maybe try half a cup of the mixture than a full cup." Theo suggested before grabbing the cup and setting it on the table.

"I'm going insane," Akia mumbled to herself, but Theo heard it loud and clear.

With a sigh, he slipped into bed next to his wife. "If you're going insane, then I'm going insane. We'll be an insane couple, ruling an insane kingdom holding insane people. Which would fit the description of York," Theo sighed heavily then shook his head. "A new York, that can be an attraction. People from all over the world would visit the insane land. Hell, I'll give off my left sack to visit."

For the first time in three days, Akia chuckled from his odd way of humor. "Just your left, huh? Why not both?"

Theo smiled. "I do need one for balance, and to be a man."

Akia put her hand to her mouth as she laughed. "It's funny how you're so serious about this."

"See," Theo sweeps a strain of hair of of her face. "An insane person doesn't laugh like that, like a angel. Whom you are."

Akia frowned. "My angel is not here with me."

"He's unharmed." Theo stated.

"How do you know? For all we know Chander is suffering-"

Theo sighed then shook his head. "You're thinking negative, you have to think positive about this situation because if you don't, then you'll slip into depression, actually go insane and have delusions that mess with your mind. You, I and Chander does not want you to go that far gone. Trust me on this, I know it sounds foolish, but it is the truth."

Akia nod her head in understanding. "Okay. Only think positive."

"Land!" A sailor yelled.

Chander looked over the rail to see land like the sailor said, but a land with lots of green and tall trees; taller than the ones in York. As the ship docked, the man picked Chander up into his arms.
"Better than York, isn't it?" The man asked as he held a small smile on his face.

Chander didn't answer, instead he looked around with wondering eyes. But soon his wondering eyes widened when he saw a odd creature roaming around. A creature with brown feathers, huge body, a naked pink wrinkly neck and face and a-
"Sack!" Chander yelled out the word he learned from his father as he pointed to the creatures neck where the sack looking body part dangled.

The man laughed and so did a few others around. "That's a turkey. It looks odd but taste delicious."

"Turkey," Chander tested out the word. "Try turkey."

"You will soon." The man walked towards a small group of women that was half dressed and had faces covered in powder. "Ladies," the man greeted.

"Hello Dylan." They all said his name with a giggle. Chander tested out his name quietly. Luckily Dylan was to busy gawking at the woman to hear. "Can I ask you lovely ladies a favor?"

"Of course, anything for you." A blonde hair woman said while leaning over to she her cleavage.

"Will you watch my son. I do not want him around when I'm doing business." Dylan turned Chander around so he can show the young prince face off to the woman. Like every woman that comes in contact with Chander, they cooed.

"He's a sweetheart."

"He's so cute."

"Oh my, look at his eyes; they're so unique. What's his name?"

Dylan chuckled. "Chander."

All of them gasped then awed. "I'll take him," the blonde woman took Chander out of Dylan's arms.

"Good, here's for the trouble." Dylan took out a small bag full of gold coins before putting it in her hand. "Have a nice day." With that he walked off to the brothel.

Chander eyes still wondered around the new surroundings he was placed in. Unable to comprehend what just happened, Chander stayed quiet as the blonde woman cooed over his presence.

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