Chapter Thirty: Not till the fat lady sings...

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Two small boys ran around the room with smiles on their faces and excitement in their eyes. Their mother and aunt watched as she sat on the older boy's bed, with smiles on their faces as well. Happiness filled the space. Everything was calm in the castle and village during the past two years. Theo was out leading an army into war while Akia managed the kingdom by making sure things was intact.

"Mama," her two year old mocha skin son; Nathaniel stood in front of her legs while setting his tiny hands on his mother's knees. Nathaniel stared at him mother with his unique eyes that held specks of brown instead of green like his older brother.

"Yes Nathaniel?" Akia picked him up and set his small and fragile body on her lap.

"Father coming back?"

"Like I said Nathaniel, father is coming back," Chander said, showing off his proper tone and English accent. "Do not worry."

"Your brother is correct," Akia stated while setting Nathaniel on his feet. "Continue to play."

Akia personal guard that come with her on trips; now knowing that his name is Martin, walked in the room before bowing. "My queen, Priest Christopher is in King Theo's meeting room like you asked."

With a huff, Akia stood in her feet. "Duty calls." She turned to Quintella, "Can you watch over them?"

Quintella nod her head yes. "Of course, two guards will be standing by the door as well. So you do not have to worry."

Of course Akia worries when she leaves her sons safety with another. The accident that happened to Chander never left her mind, so she would of always think some other brave scavengers would take her two little boys away from her. With a sigh, Akia walked out her sons chamber with Christopher following close behind.

Once Akia walked into her temporary private meeting room until Theo comes back for war, she spots the young priest looking at the old shelf of books that's been never touched since Theo's father ruled. "Thank you Priest Luther for meeting me today." Akia walked behind the large desk to sit down while Christopher stood protectively by the close door..

"Oh, your majesty it's my pleasure to finally meet you in person." Luther took a seat in front of the desk not before bowing. "The king has good taste in literature."

"Well I would say the same thing, but he never takes the time to read them. In my opinion they are good literature."

Luther leaned back into the uncomfortable wooden chair as he stared at his queen with a questionable look. "May I ask why I am here, my queen?"

Akia did the same by leaning back in her husband's chair. "I wanted to talk to you about the re-build temple. Since the people voted for you to be the high priestess, I wanted to see if you are willing to practice religion without corruption. The last high priestess was-"

"I know," Luther interrupted. "And I assure you that I will not bring corruption into the temple. I'm grateful for your concern about the church and the people in the village and I should say you are the first queen I ever encountered that care dearly about the two. You have a warm heart."

Akia lightly smiled from the compliment. "Well thank you Priest Luther, it was very kind for you to say such words. Hopefully we'll be seeing each other again, on good terms of course." Akia stood to her feet and Luther quickly did as well.

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