Chapter 2

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Present day:

"Yes Molly, I'll be over to watch Lucy. I just need to stop at home to change first" After I hang up I turn the radio back up and start to sing along. I love my pickup truck. There's never any need for air conditioner because I always have the windows down so I can feel the wind in my hair. I'm on my way over to Molly's house to watch her baby girl, Lucy. About a year after we all graduated college she married her high school sweet heart, Scott. 

Sometimes I get jealous of Molls because she has a great family. I never had to time for relationships. You see, after high school I decided I wanted to be a physical therapist which includes 6 to 7 years of schooling and a ton of student loans. So let’s just say I was a very busy woman. Molly and I stayed local for college. She stayed because Scott got a job as a local mechanic; I stayed to take care of my mother. After my daddy was considered missing across seas two years ago when I was 22, my momma has started to drink twice as much. It was really hard for her because there was no body to bury since he was considered missing. I already lost my father; I couldn’t lose my mom knowing I could've at least tried to help her. So I ended up moving in. Now I live a block away from Molls in my childhood home.

My brother’s stop by as often as they can, but that isn’t very often.  Ben is the town cop and has is about to start a family with his pregnant wife. Jake is the school's soccer coach and is still the player he has always been. Connor on the other hand, is now a big football star. I haven’t seen him since the day he went off to college and became a professional football player for the Pittsburgh Steelers! He couldn’t even make it to my father's "funeral" since it was on football Sunday. He sent his condolences though. 

After I change out of my work uniform into a tank top and a pair of jeans I walk over to Molls house.  

"Molls I'm here!" I shouted.

"Oh shush, I finally got her to be quiet after I found that dang Barney movie she likes so much." Molly snapped.

"Oh! Sorry, I forgot how she can be around nap time. But you know she loves Aunt Nell so much she goes to sleep for me." I snickered

"Oh rub it in! Scott and I spent 2 hours trying to get her to take her nap yesterday and by the time she went to sleep it was 7! She didn't get any sleep last night! She woke up at 12 all energized and ready to run around. Who knew two year Old’s could be so frustrating." Molly said glumly.

"That my friend is why they invented birth control." I said.

"Oh what are we going to do with you? You've been single for too long! You need to make it down to the bar and find yourself a man." Molly proclaimed.

The thing is I honestly have been single too long. I haven't dated since freshman year of college. It's not by choice though! Ok in college it was by choice, but once I got out and got a job I went clubbing every now and then it's just there isn't a great selection to choose from. All the hot guys from my grade or the grades around me moved on to bigger and better things. One of them being the professional football player I've always loved. I remember the first time I met him.

I think back onto that hot summer day and can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

"Jake push me! I wanna go higher!" I shouted. I love the feel of wind in my hair, it’s the best sensation.  

All of a sudden I feel someone push me really hard. I turned around to see who it was and I slipped off the swing and fell to the ground. The boy who apparently pushed me rushed over to help me.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I’m fine. Who are you and why were you pushing me?" I asked. I thanked him once he helped me up.

"My names Connor. Well I was on the slide when your brother asked me to push you so he could go buy ice cream." he explained.

"Oh well then thanks I guess." 

My brother made his way over, with one ice cream cone in his hand. Connor looks at me and asked me if I wanted some. When I looked into his hazel eyes I knew I would love this man forever.

My mind is back to the present whenever i hear Molly snap her fingers in front of my face to get my attention.

"Molls it'll happen when it happens." 

"Sure it will. Oh! I forgot to mention something that may interest you! Connor is coming back home."

Well that was a name I haven't heard in a while.

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