Chapter 10

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“Timothy, Tyler, cut it out!” I swear they haven’t changed a bit, always trying to bug the crap out of me. For the past three or four minutes he’s been stepping on the back of my shoes so that way I trip and Tyler’s been pulling my hair. 

“Fine.” They drag out the “n.” I turn around, quite satisfied with myself. That is until Tim steps on my heel again.

“Timothy Ethan, I promise you’re going to be sorry when I will tell Daisy how immature you are if you don’t stop right this instant!”

“Yes ma’am! I promise I’ll stop just please don’t tell Daisy!” Tim begged. As if I would actually do that! They are so cute together! I would never purposely ruin someone’s relationship like some teenage girl would.

“Oh, Tim I think we’re in the dog house. Watch out, she might bite if we get her to mad.”

“Oh grow up.” I start walking ahead of them with a smile on my face. Today is the day Connor’s discharged. We’ll be leaving for home in four days! I can’t wait to get home. I miss everyone.

I hear Tim and Tyler chuckling behind me, almost like they know a secret that I don’t know.

A few seconds later, my face is pressed against someone’s back and I’m hanging upside down.

“Jacob Andrew Douglas, put me down this instant!”

“I don’t know I haven’t gone jogging since we got here.”

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Geez sis, didn’t know you were such a stick in the mud. I was only joking.”

“We’re in a freaking hospital numb nut.”

“Ah, touché.”  Right now, you’re probably thinking ‘why is she so crabby all the time?’ Trust me, if you had to deal with them, you’d understand.

Jake puts me down on my feet and I smack him in the arm. He just smirks. We used to do that all the time growing up and he is the only one who still gets a kick out of doing it.

“So sis, off to Con’s room?”

“You bet we have to get him ready to leave. The lord only knows what kind of mess ya’ll left. Can’t have those nurses thinking we don’t have manners.”

“What are we supposed to do while you clean?”

“I figured you’d help, you know since most of the mess belongs to you boys.”

“Nuh huh, Ben made most of it!” Tyler proclaimed.

“Hey genius, Ben left before you got here.”

“Dang it I forgot about that.”

“Obviously.” We all chuckle.

“Race you to Con’s room?” Tim says with a huge smile plastered on his face.

“You’re on.” I sprinted forward before anyone could respond. Giggling the whole way I turn the bend to make it to Con’s room.

I dash through the door, declaring I’m the winner. What could complete the win? Doing a victory dance. You’re never too old to do a victory dance.

I wish I would’ve postponed that dance because six good looking players from Connor’s football team just so happened to be sitting in his room. Oh who am I kidding? They are fine! Every single one of them looked quite amused. I could feel the heat rise up my neck all the way to my cheeks. I no doubt had bright red cheeks, showing that I was blushing.

“Oh, uh hey Con. Ty, Tim, and Jake raced me. I think you catch my drift as to what you just witnessed.”

“Sure Nell, then where are the guys?”

“Beats me, I was pretty far ahead if I do say so myself.”

Suddenly, a crashing noise comes from right behind me and something hits the back of my knee, making me fall. I’m under a pile, with the boys on top. They are crushing me!

“Geez fatties, what do you eat?  Get off of me!”

“No you cheated!”

“How? You never said on three.”

“That’s because you didn’t wait long enough to go over the rules baby girl!”

“Guys, stop! You’re making me laugh so hard my sides hurt!” Connor yells. I forgot about our audience and my cheeks heat up, again. The boys obviously just noticed the strangers in our room cause they suddenly got quiet, a rare event.

“Thanks, you guys crack me up. Sugar, are you gonna get off the ground or is it comfortable down there?”

“Eh I was getting there.”

“Here sugar come sit by me. Nell, this is Bret, Mason, Scott, Gavin, Tanner, and Brodie. I play football with them. We’re all close. Guy’s this is Nell. That right there is Jake, her brother and to the left of Jake are my brothers, Tim and Tyler. I grew up with Nell and Jake, they’re practically family.”

“Hey there sweet heart, nice to meet you.” I’m not sure but I think that was Mason who said that.

“Nice to meet all of you too.”

“No way. Con, common! We’ve been friends since diapers! Why didn’t you introduce me? I’m your wing man, dude that was low.” Jake said.

“Yo, Gavin how’s it hanging?”

Jakes jaw dropped. “You knew them too? I’m not gonna lie, I feel cheated. I’m friends with a famous NFL player and not only does he not hook me up with the ladies, he doesn’t even introduce me to my heroes! Gosh.” I burst out laughing. Jake is acting like a teenager on her period. I can tell everyone in the room is amused as I am.

“I’m sorry bud, still wing mans?”

“Yeah I guess.” Jake mumbles. “But don’t let it happen again!”

“So babe, if your so close with Con, how comes I’ve never met you before?” Tanner asked. Oh, he’s brave calling me that in front of the men in my family.

“I live in Georgia, Con’s home town to be exact.”

“Hey sugar, you should come up more often.” Brodie said.

“Don’t call her sugar, only I can call her that.” Con snapped. I can tell he’s trying to stay calm, but they are obviously aggravating him. They either don’t know it or they’re purposely trying to provoke him.

“Why man? It’s only a pet name and besides, she’s hot.”

“Yeah, sexy as hell.” Ok, so I’m going to take a wild guess and say they didn’t know.

“Watch what you say about her, she’s not some skank you can pick up.”

“Dude, chill just stating a fact.”

“If I wasn’t a few hours away from getting out of this hell hole, then I’d kick your ass.”

“We can help you with that.” Jake says furiously. Tim and Tyler nod in agreement.

“Oh, hush up boys. They doctors coming and I wanna hear when Con can get out.” I’ve become a pro at changing the subject. Unfortunately, practice makes perfect.

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