Chapter 9

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Nell’s P.O.V
A few days later Connor was schedule to be discharged. They just wanted to evaluate him and make sure that he had a physical therapist in mind, aka me. On the day before his discharge, an unexpected visitor popped up. Or should I say unexpected visitors.
Tim and Tyler
They definitely made the visit worthwhile.
I was sitting there in Connor’s room reading to keep myself occupied, considering Con was asleep and Ben left to go home. Don’t forget Jake, the notorious player talking to a nurse at the front desk. If you ask me, her shirt was a little too low cut for my liking.
When I read, I get focused on only that. It’s almost as if I picture myself in the main character’s point of view and everyone around me just fades away. It’s how I relax. I was reading the last few chapters of my book, the most suspenseful part, when they decided to make a dramatic entrance. When I say dramatic, I mean over the top.
I heard all this whispering and sighing going on from behind me. I turned around in my uncomfortable hospital armchair to see what all the fuss was about. As soon as I looked out the door, a smile lit my face immediately. They were wearing their plaid shirts on, their favorite brass belt buckle, and their brown leather cowboy boots on. They also wore a pair of aviator’s that hid their eyes. Of course they match, I thought to myself. They’ve been doing that since we were little kids. No doubt all these Yankee’s were practically swooning over the fact that they’ve never seen such handsome men.
First, Jake and Ben appear, now Tim and Tyler. Everywoman wanted a buff, handsome man to call their own and let me tell you; the men that they’ve been seeing coming to visit Connor are pretty darn handsome. I overheard one of the women saying, “I’m going to move down south and get me a real man.”

I giggle to myself. Wait till they see what happens next. I get out of my chair and make my way towards them. Once I reach them, I give them each big, brotherly hugs and give them each a peck on the cheek. What can I say? We’re practically siblings. Tyler picks me up and spins me around and gives me a peck on the cheek too while Tim kissed my forehead and hugged me so tight I had trouble breathing.

I could practically feel all the woman’s glares on my back. You see, I’ve overheard more than a few nurses talking about me, and not in a good way. Yesterday, I was at the vending machine getting a real quick snack while Con was being tested when I overheard a nurse saying how I “Get all the men” and that I “Need to share.” Well the nurses won’t be too happy about me being friendly with Tim and Ty.

“Hey there short stuff. Long time no see. How’ve you been, baby girl?” Tim asks.
“Don’t you know how to pick up a phone or drive over to the ranch? Do you know how far away the ranch is from your momma’s house? Seven minutes and thirty four seconds to be exact. Now I expect a visit more often, ya hear?” Tyler tells me in his parental tone. They decided to take on the family business, aka the ranch. They own over two hundred acres of land. Each one of them has their own house, Tim on the North side of the ranch, Tyler on the South side of the ranch. They are both surprisingly unmarried but if I recall, Tim met up with an old high school girlfriend and Tyler just likes to have fun if you know what I mean.
“Now don’t you give me the third degree, I called you last weekend. Besides it’s a two way street. I don’t recall ya’ll calling me or stopping by for a visit.” I smirked. They know I’m right but they will never admit it.
“Well you need to check up more often, call both of us each day! We worry about you being stuck in that hell hole with your momma.” Tim said.
“Don’t even Tim. Let’s not get started on that topic again, ok?” They both nod their head, but I can tell that won’t be the last of it. I’ll most likely hear that topic frequently while we’re here.
“Alright good, now that that’s settled you wanna go see your baby brother or what?” I hear a sigh from behind me. “I think you have a few admirers’ boys.”
“That doesn’t matter. I’ve already got a girl back home.” He says proudly. Tim smiles a true smile at that moment. He has that faraway look on his face, almost as if he was thinking about her right this minute. One of Con’s nurses groaned in defeat, I guess she planned on making a move on Tim, too late now.
“Oh, really? So you and Daisy are official now? Congratulations!” I hugged him tightly! “I’m so happy for you!”
“Thanks Nell, I’m glad you are. Your opinion really matters to me baby girl.” Tim says as he holds me at an arm’s length away.
“Tim you’re getting all touchy on me!” He chuckles quietly.
“Hey, did you forget about me, the favorite?” Tyler must not like the fact that he isn’t getting attention, poor baby.
“Oh, don’t get me started with you! I hear you decided to break innocent Rosie’s heart! Shame on you.” I slap his arm lightly. Rosie was Lindsay, Ben’s wife’s little sister. See, I told you it was a small town. Rosie’s the same age as Tim and Ty.
“Eh, it happens. Anyways as I was saying, how’ve you been baby girl? We both miss you like crazy as you can obviously tell.”
“I’ve been just fine. Apparently your brother is my new patient and he’ll be living at home for a little while, at least till he is as good as new.”
“You poor girl, well baby girl where Con?”
I hear the pitter batter of shoes behind me. I turn my head to see who is walking towards us and see Dr. DeMaio. I mean Vince.
I smile a weak smile at him. He returns the smile with one of his own.
I feel Tyler tense behind me and I turn to put a hand on his chest, when that didn’t work I turned to Tim for help but noticed I’d have to calm both of them. I give them a look saying ‘It’s nothing’ but they return it with a look that says ‘I don’t believe you.’ Oh boy.
“Hey Nell, How are you?” Vince asks.
“I’m good, how about you?”
“I’m good, actually…” He was then rudely interrupted by Ty.
“Who are you?” Tyler and Tim are glaring at Vince like he’s their worst enemies, protective jerks. I swear I will live for the day when I can talk to a guy without someone interfering.
“Guy’s leave him alone.”
“Baby girl, it comes with the territory. We have our right’s to question him.”
“I’m Dr. Vince DeMaio, who are you?”
“We’re her brother’s. How do you know Nell?” I couldn’t have even had a remark to that if I wanted to; they were talking back and forth so fast. I glance behind me and saw all the nurses watching this argument as if it were a tennis match.
“I’m Connor O’Shea’s doctor and she’s a family friend.” He says proudly. “Nell didn’t mention anything about having any other brothers.”
He ignores the last part, “Yeah, well guess what? My brother, Tyler and I, just so happen to be Con’s older brothers. So don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Wait, but you just said you were Nell’s brother, but Connor and Nell aren’t siblings.” Vince says. Poor Vince, he looks so confused.
“Well you see Nell isn’t technically our sister. She’s like a sister, we grew up together. We even took bathes together as a child and we’re as close as any sibling would be. So we’re practically her brothers, which give us the right to say you should stick to making sure our brother is fine and worry less about how our princess is doing. Got that?”
“Tyler Anthony O’Shea, you better hush up now child. I told your brother Connor once already that he doesn’t have the right to meddle in my business; I’ll have no problem telling you too. And you Timothy Ethan O’Shea you better stop smirking right this instant because I’m warning you too. I’ve had it up to here with you boys. I pretended to ignore it as a child but now I’m beyond annoyed. Did you plan for me to be a forty year old virgin or something? ‘Because you act as if you’d want me to never get married and be that woman who has twenty cats.”
“Damn straight we want you to be a damn forty year old virgin. Baby girl we’re just looking out for you! Someone’s got to protect you!” Tim shouts.
“You don’t think I can protect myself? Well guess what, I’ve done it all my life. I think I can handle myself, so don’t bother anymore.” I start to walk away when I remembered something. “Oh, and don’t call me baby girl anymore.”
“What! We’re always called you baby girl though!” Tyler shouts, he’s obviously aggravated.
“Well, times have changed.” I started to walk away toward the cafeteria, but not without a glance behind me. They both had an expression of pure hurt on their face. I know I hurt them when I told them not to call me baby girl, but I couldn’t help it. I’ll apologize later.
I know I’ve over reacted, but they all have gotten on my nerve.  They had that coming for years now. A girl can only take so much!
When I get to the elevators, Kali and Cody step out. Kali see’s my face and rushes forward.
“What’s that matter? Is it Connor? Is he ok? What happened?” Ah, the maternal instinct in her has kicked in.
“Connor’s fine.” I gave a short answer.
“Honey, I know something’s wrong. Kali and I both can tell, so you should just tell us yourself so that way we don’t find out some other way. Just tell us what happened, princess.” Cody says soothingly.
“Tim and Tyler are here. We were talking just fine until Dr. DeMaio said hi to me.” I said.
“Ah…” They both said.
“Baby you have to understand, you’re the little sister they never had. I guess you can say they’re more protective than Ben and Jake, but I can’t say Connor. Sorry to say, but he’s the worst.”
“You don’t have to remind me on that one.”
“Do you think you’ve cooled off enough? We’re going to Con’s room, you can join us if you’d like princess.” Cody says. Cody’s like my father figure since mine was never there for my adolescence and adult years. I’ll always be that little girl who’d play dress up with him and have tea parties with him. To him, I was his princess. To me, he was my father.
“Yeah I think I’ve had enough time to calm down. I need to apologize; I sort of told them not to call me baby girl.”
“Ah, that was a little harsh, but they’ll understand and forgive you. I’m sure they have a few things to apologize to you about.”
We make our way around a few bends and then find ourselves in front of Connor’s room. Cody taps his knuckles on the door and walks in with kali and I following.
As soon as I walk into the room, I lock eyes with Connor. It’s like I can’t look away, not that I want to in the first place. Every time he looks at me, I get this nervous feeling in my stomach. I guess you could say I feel the butterflies flapping there wings. At this point, those wings are going in overtime.
All of a sudden, someone clears there throat. I look around and see that it was Ty. I feel the heat rising up my neck to my face, already knowing that I’m about to blush. I quickly look down at my feet. Well, that was embarrassing.
Kali gives me a knowing look, while Cody just smiles. Ty and Tim are looking rather confused, no doubt having no idea what just happened. Quite frankly I don’t know what just happened. I just couldn’t look away. Oh well, anyways I have some business to attend to.
“Ty, Tim, can I talk to you outside real quick?” They both nod their heads and walk behind me out the door.
Once we’re a decent distance away or at least far enough away from the room where no one can ease drop like before, I begin my apology.
“I’m really sorry for over reacting. I acted like a teenager a little bit ago. It was unacceptable.” I said.
“Eh we had it coming. We’re sorry too; we should let you have your space since you are pretty ancient. We don’t want our favorite girl to be a spinster for the rest of her life.” I can’t help but laugh. Only they would say something like that.
“Group hug?” They ask.
“Duh, of course!” We all join in the hug and laughing.
“Does this mean we can still call you baby girl?” Tim asks. They both look hopeful.
“You bet!”
Dang, they must get that look from their mother, because how could I say no to that?

*Sorry, it's boring. I just wanted to introduce Tim and Tyler. Vote, Comment, and Fan(:

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