Chapter 19

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To say that Ben and Jake were a little surprised to find out that Connor and I are dating would be a little bit of an understatement. You can’t forget Molly, Tim, and Tyler too! Of course, Molly was thrilled for us, but the boys all took this very seriously.

First, I got a lecture from the boys about safe sex. You’d imagine this would be a little embarrassing, but with how close we are, it honestly wasn’t. In fact, I’d call it more awkward whenever Jake started talking about how to use a condom.

Next, Connor got a lecture on treating me right, as if there would ever be that problem. Connor knew how to treat a lady, which we wouldn’t have to worry about. The only thing we would really have to worry about would be whether he broke my heart or not. Wait; let me rephrase that, whenever he broke my heart.

Finally, all four boys particularly didn’t like the fact that I had a boyfriend and they definitely didn’t like the fact that that boy just so happened to be Connor. Jake was practically gagging whenever Molly asked if we ‘Did the deed.’ Before I could lie and say no, Connor spoke up and told her the truth, all the while with a smirk on his face. Groaning, I put my head in my hands, extremely embarrassed. Whenever I raised my head, Connor still had that smirk on his face and had the nerve to wink at me. I mean, I may be close with my brothers, but some things you just don’t share. Especially with brothers who are extremely protective.

Molly announced that we needed to go to the diner to have some ‘girl time.’ She grabs my hand and rushes out of the living room, toward the door. I had enough time to grab the car keys from the ceramic bowl on the table right next to my door.

Once in the car, she says, “Missy you have a lot of explaining to do!”

The rest of the car ride was filled with silence. I was torn between wanting to tell her and not telling her all of the details. Being raised in a small town, you’re practically born to gossip. Even though I had all trust in her not telling a single soul, I can’t say anything about the people around us. Whenever Molly gets excited, her voice tends to rise, drawing people’s attention. I think you catch my drift.

Eventually we were sitting in one of the dinners booths. The waitress, a friend from high school, came and took our order. Once she was finished writing down our order, she turned and left to go onto the next table.

Molly leaned in real close and whispered, “Spill all of the juicy details now!”

I sighed and leaned back into the cushion of the seat. I began to tell her the whole story, from the very beginning. All the way from the night before Frank assaulted me to our first date.

By the time I finished the story, Molly eyes were bulging out of there socket and her jaw was dropped.

“He took you to the park? That’s so romantic! I wish Scott would do something like that for me.” That was the first words out of her mouth.

“I’m not going to lie, it was really romantic. The rain just added the special touch.”

“I’m so jealous! At least you two are finally together; you’ve had a crush on him since high school.”

“How did you know about that?”

“Is that even a question? I’ve known you forever! I can tell whenever you like someone.”

Thoroughly embarrassed, my face was no doubt as red as a tomato’s. Was it really that obvious? I can only imagine all of the rumors that went around school about how Jake little sister has had a crush on his best friend, of course the school player.

As if she was reading my thoughts, Molly places her hand on top of mine and says, “Honey, I know you’re probably paranoid right now. Knowing you, you’re probably asking yourself ‘Was I that obvious?’ and ‘Who else noticed?’ Well I can honestly say that it wasn’t obvious. I’m your best friend; I’m supposed to notice these things. It comes with the territory.”

 She sends a reassuring smile my way, causing me to sigh in relief.

Shortly after my brief panic attack, we enjoyed finishing our meal and ended up spending the rest of the day together. Later on that night, we went to go check on Lucy and Scott and found them fast asleep on the couch watching TV. Lucy was sprawled across Scott’s stomach, while Scott had his arms wrapped protectively around Lucy.

Molly pulls out her cell phone and takes a few pictures from different angles.

She looks at my questioning look and says, “Every kid needs a scrapbook. Whenever she has kids, she can show this to them and show her how sweet their pap was.”

I admit that I grew green with envy at the sight of this. One day, I hope to have a family like this and that I’ll be the one taking pictures of my future family for my babies scrapbook. Oh well, a girl can dream can’t she?

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