Chapter 14

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Weeks have passed after Annabel was born. All the excitement died down a little and everyone moved back onto their lives. Connor and I have been working hard at my physical therapy and I have no doubt in my mind that he won’t make a full recovery. He’s been making a lot of progress. After one appointment we made our way out to our cars to be greeted with a surprise.

All of Connors friends stood before us, grinning from ear to ear; no doubt proud they had managed to surprise us.

Connor turned to me and asked, “Sugar, what are the guys doing here?”

“You know as much about this as I do.” I replied.

“Well I’ll be damned boys. It’s good to see you. In fact, it’s really good to see you, never thought I’d ever admit to that.” They all had a good laugh and immediately started to reminisce over what’s been going on in each other’s life. The topic mostly revolved around Connor healing.

I cut into the conversation asking them if they’d like to come over my house and have a snack while they caught up. They all agreed and the next thing I know, they’re right behind me, following me to my house.

Once I pull into the driveway, I start to get nervous. Mom’s car is parked in the driveway, along with another car that I’ve never seen before in my life. I get this uneasy feeling at the pit of my stomach, just knowing that something wrong is going to happen.

The boys get out of their cars almost as if they are prepared for any photographer to capture this picture.

“Alright boys, this town don’t have paparazzi, no need to overdo the smiling.”

“I told you this one’s feisty.” Tanner says.

“Common guys, I’m hungry.” Gavin whines.

We make our way down the sidewalk that leads to my front door. I open the door to get a sudden whiff of smoke. I start coughing uncontrollably and a few minutes later, after I’ve adjusted, the coughing seizes. I notice not only do I have this problem, but the boys do as well.

Connor throws me a questioning look but I just shrug my shoulders, considering I’ve been with him all day and I certainly didn’t leave my house like this.

“Ma! Why is there so much smoke in the house?” I shout, looking for where my mother is exactly.

I walk into the living room and see her and Frank sitting on the couch, looking quite cozy and giddy.

“Ma what the hell is this?” I’m annoyed not only because of the smoke, but of the presence of Frank.

“Lighten up you brat, I’m just having fun, living my life.” She whines.

“Aren’t those for your teen years? You’re a little outdated. Or are you too high to notice how old you are?” I snap. I knew later on, I’d pay for back talking my momma like that, but god damn a girl just has to put her foot down and say enough.

“Shut your mouth you stupid whore. Who brings that many guys home at one time? That’s more than I can handle.” She says with a smirk.

All of the confidence I had moments ago, was drained from me from that comment.

“How dare you?” I step closer to her, not caring about the audience we have.  I might not be a virgin, but I’m no whore. I’ve only slept with one man in my life and that was for a brief time period. For her to accuse me of something like that hurt, no in fact it made me ache.

Frank decided to speak up at that moment, “Well, she seems pure to me.” When he thought no one was looking, he winked at me. I felt myself flinch at the thought of him even thinking about me in general. I turned around to leave the room to notice, Connor right beside me, stiff as a board. I looked behind him and saw the boys awkwardly standing there, but each and every one of them was scowling in the direction of my mother and her boy toy.

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