Chapter 21

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As the weeks passed, everything was going smoothly. The days turned into weeks, the weeks turning into months. All leading up to the same thing: Connor recovering completely.

To say that I was a little nervous and insecure about him leaving and going back to playing football would be an understatement. He would move onto bigger and better things, while I would stay at our small, quaint hometown.

I’m sure we’d try the whole long distance thing for a while, but we all know that never works. We both know he’s bound to get better soon, I just think we both choose to ignore it.

“Nell did you hear me?”

I snap out of my day dreaming and turn my head in the direction of the person speaking. Connor and I are currently snuggling on his couch watching a movie, I must have dosed off while we were watching it because the movie was now over.

“What?” I ask.

“You dosed off there for a sec, I guess you didn’t hear me whenever I said that not all chick flicks are bad.”

“You’re kidding me; the big bad Connor O’Shea actually liked a chick flick. Pinch me I’m dreaming!” I said sarcastically.

He actually had the nerve to pinch me, that little rascal. His pinching turns into tickling causing me to giggle nonstop. I can tell just by the look on his face that he’s enjoying this immensely.

“Stop, I can’t breathe!” I say choppily, making it sound more like ‘Stop! I. Can’t. Breathe.’

Finally, he stops tickling me, but does manage to steal a kiss before moving to the other end of the couch.  He even winks at me! That boy’s too cocky.

I get up and make my way towards his kitchen going directly towards the fridge. It’s so hot outside I swear I’m refilling my sweet tea every half an hour. While I’m in there I decide to get myself a snack, mostly to tease him with.

Whenever I finish making myself a sandwich, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me.

“Guess who.”

“Hmm, could it be my knight in shining armor? Nope, that’s not it!”

“I’m insulted! I thought I was your knight in shining armor on a white stallion.”

“More like white pick-up truck.”

“Get technical, I may have moved up north, but nothing can replace a good old pick-up truck.”

“Whatever you say babe,” I said, leaning in to kiss him.

Suddenly his phone started ringing, making both of us jump.

“Hold on a sec, I have to get this. Sorry baby.”  He kisses me on the cheek while I pout. Well at least I got some sort of kiss out of the deal.

After twenty five minutes of being in his office, I start to get suspicious. I make my way over to the door of his office, where the door is slightly ajar.  

“Yeah, Nell says I’m doing better.”

“I should be back pretty soon.”

“I’ll miss home, but I miss football almost as much.”

That’s whenever it dawned on me; he’s talking to his coach. He really is leaving soon, leaving me. I walk back to the kitchen in a daze and use my arms to lean forward onto the counter. Shortly after, Connor walks out acting as if nothing happened. He even managed to place a smile on his face.

“When are you leaving?” I ask.

“What?” Connor says. He’s caught off guard by the question, but he knows exactly what I’m talking about.

“When do you leave?” I repeat.

“I don’t know yet. Do we really have to talk about this now?”

“When would you like to talk about it if not now, Connor? We’ve been avoiding it like the plague.”

“I was hoping we could continue to do that until I have to leave.” He said.

“Do I really deserve that?” I say in a hushed voice.

“No, Nell I didn’t want to hurt you. Do you think that I won’t miss this, us?”

“I have no idea at this point Con, I really don’t. I thought you would’ve chosen Georgia over Pittsburgh, let alone me over football.”

“Nell, don’t be like that.”

“You never answered my question, when do you leave?”

“Since you said my legs healed for the most part, I figured sometime around next week.”

I can feel the tears falling down my cheeks. Connor must have noticed too, because he started wiping the tears off of my cheek with his finger. Whenever he removed every single one, he placed his forehead against mine.

“It’ll all work out.”

I hope he’s right. 


So i came to the conclusion that no matter how many pages i write in word, it always shows up as one page on here! sorry for the short chapter and SUPER long wait!

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