Chapter 12

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Nell’s P.O.V.

The next few days past in a blur, we had a lot of work to do which included packing Connor’s belongings.

Tim, Tyler, Kali, and Cody decided that they would stay a few days longer than us because they wanted to make sure his house was secure and he has all of his necessary items. They would fly down 3 days after us and stay at the ranch. Kali and I created a schedule for Connor’s physical therapy and gave a copy to each family member just so they knew not to visit during that time period.

After the four days past, I found myself once again in the Pittsburgh airport. I looked around and decided that I would be perfectly fine without seeing this place for quite some time. I’m proud to be a southern belle; I could never be a Yankee. I also don’t like the cold. In fact, I despise the cold.

We shortly board the plane and as soon as I sat down onto the seat, I dosed off. After what seems like no time at all, I’m being shaken awake by none other than Jake.

“Nell we’re here.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and soon become anxious to get off. I can’t wait to get home; I didn’t realize how much I missed home until I was away for so long.

We make our way out of the security and are on our way to receive our luggage when we see them. I run forward and hug my friends and family. There stood Ben, Lindsay, Josh, Molly, Scott, and little Lucy.

“Nell I missed you so much it’s not even funny!” Molly squealed. She ran towards me and gave me a long, tight hug. She hugged me so tight; I was finding it difficult to breathe.

Seeing all them after being without them brought a smile to my face. It’s been a long time since we’ve all been separated for that long, even if it was only a few weeks.

“I missed you too! All of you.” I replied. I turned and went to greet the rest of my friends and family.

Once I got to Lindsay I noticed just how big she looked.

“Oh my goodness Lindsay! Thank goodness you didn’t have the baby while we were gone! You look like your about to burst.

“Tell me about it; try actually carrying all this weight. The doctor put me on bed rest but I had to come greet you back home.” She replied.

“Stubborn woman.” Ben mumbles. I smirk at Linz’s glare. There was obviously a little disagreement over whether she should come or not.

“Oh poor Connor!” I hear Molly say.

Oh crap.

I completely left them stranded while I came to greet everyone. I throw Jake and Connor and apologetic look.

Jake just shrugs his shoulders, like it obviously didn’t bother him, while Connor just smirks.

“It’s alright Sugar; we both know how much you missed home.”

“Amen to that!” They all just chuckle in respond. We make our way towards baggage claim and after a short time period we have everything we need in order to leave the airport so we make our way out to the parking lot.

“So, um, how’s mom?” I don’t know why, but I had a hard time asking her that. After all, mom could still be hanging out with that one creepy guy. When I said this aloud, I noticed Jake and Connor tense up.

“She’s fine. She’s been spending a lot of time with some man. I think his name was Frank? Not quite sure. Honestly, that man gives me the creeps. I made Scott come with me to check on her.” He’s still there? Oh god. Oops, I mean gosh. My momma and daddy taught me never to say the lords name in vain.

That’s beside the point; I guess I’ll have to take it in strides once I get home.

We get into our cars and drive over Molly and Scott’s house for a little welcome home party.

I have Jake and Connor in my car while the others went in their original cars.  I turn on the radio and immediately the song “You” Chris Young came on. I love this song so I began to sing along. As I sing aloud, Jake and Connor join in. I notice Connor looking at me in the through the rear view mirror.

As we sing along to the song he keeps eye contact with me the whole time, never looking away. Every once in a while I would look up from the road to see him still looking at me while he sung. It’s almost like he’s singing to me.

A few minutes later, we pulled into Moll’s driveway. With our assistance, we get Connor into the house. The poor guy has to use one of the fallowing to get around: a wheel chair, crutches, or a walker. Pick your poison. How does a guy chose from those great options? And considering his arm is broken, he’s stuck with a wheel chair or one of us to help him. Pretty much, we’re going to be doing a lot of work.

We walk into the house and I instantly smell the aroma of Molly’s famous peach pie, my favorite. I moaned to myself just by the smell of it.

“You guys are finally here! Now I can eat the pie, sheesh took ya’ll long enough.” Lindsay snapped.

“Blame it on Nell. Speed Racer here can’t multitask. Who knew singing and driving would be so hard.” Jake said. Little did he know that it just so happened to be the other member in the car distracting me?

“I swear Jacob, if you insult my driving one more time, I’ll tell Kali that you haven’t been to church in a few months.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” He replied.

“You wanna bet?”

“You haven’t either!”

“I actually have an excuse buddy. I have a job where I would most days of the week.”

“You know how Kali feels about that too, it’s the holy day, a day of rest. You shouldn’t be working young lady.”

“Unlike some people I know, I actually have to work in the summers and on the weekends.”

“I work in the summer!”

“Coaching doesn’t count.”

“Not fair.”

“It happens.”

“Would you two shut up already? Geez you guys just got home and the bickering already started.” Ben sighs.

“We didn’t fight much while we were up north.”

“Gee thanks for saving it for us.” Scott adds.

Jake and I just chuckle and we all dig into the meal Molly made or in my case, dessert first.

After everyone has eaten, we sit down and just reminisce what happened with each other while we were away. Little Lucy had to go to bed early once Jake got his turn. She’s apparently at the stage where she repeats everything she hears and according to what Jake said, he hit it off with a few nurses and decided to share with me because what sister doesn’t want to hear about their brother’s sex life?

Around ten till eleven, Lindsay started to fidget in her seat. I shoot her a questioning look but she just shakes her head. Oh well, must be nothing to worry about.

Lindsay and I decided to go get ourselves something to drink. Once we’re in the kitchen we grab the needed items and pour ourselves some sweet tea.

Suddenly I hear a loud crash from behind me. I spun on the heels of my feet to see what happened to find Lindsay hunched over, clutching her stomach with one hand while holding onto the counter top with the other.

I rush to her side and ask if she’s alright. By now, everyone from the living room sprints into the kitchen to see what happened.

Lindsay let out an agonizing scream.

Ben rushes to her side. “Lindsay are you alright? Is the baby alright?”

“Ben I think my water just broke.”

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