Chapter 7

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We all decided to go to the cafeteria while Connor slept. We each took turns watching him, at the moment Ben was in his room. He said he’d call if he woke up. Kali went home to get a few of Connor’s things for him so when he woke up he could be comfortable. His dad, Cody, will probably be here too. His phone was off when we tried to reach him to let him know. He finally answered recently.

Jake and I walk through the line. I glimpsed over the selection; pizza, salad, soup, and sandwiches. I reach and grab a salad and some soup; it’s really cold up here so I need the soup. I guess it’s a good thing we live in the south. I could never get used to the winter!

I’ve heard that seeing snow for the first time is beautiful. I’ve never seen snow in real life before. I’m probably missing out on a great experience, who knows maybe in the future I’ll get the opportunity.

Beside me, Jake grabs a sandwich and some drinks for us. I reach into my purse to get out my wallet as we get in line to pay. I had the cashier my credit card and I insist on paying for Jakes meal. He flat out refuses to let me pay. After a few brief words, I won the battle and pay for our meals. We chose a spot in the back of the room so we could be alone. I set my tray on the table and pull out my chair to sit down. Jake and I make ourselves content and dig into our meal.

“Do you think he’ll be ok?” I ask quietly. All the stress and worry from the past few hours came crashing down on me. I was all of a sudden extremely tired.
“Yeah I think he’ll be fine. It’ll be a long recovery but I think he’ll be ok. Maybe even be able to play football again.”
“That would be pretty great. He loved playing, always has.” It was true. For as long as he could walk he’s being playing with a football.
“So you’re going to be his physical therapist?” Jake asks curiously. He must of overheard Kali and my conversation cause I never mentioned it.
I sighed, “Yeah I guess I will be. It’ll take a long time. He’ll more than likely be out for the rest of this season and even when he does go back he’s going to have to take it slow. It takes a long time for broken bones to heal and feel proper again, let alone a torn ACL.”
“Yeah, that makes sense. Poor Connor, this is going to be hard for him. You know how much he loves football. At least he’ll be willing to train and recoup so he can get back out on the field.” He has a point. Connor would do anything to get back onto the field. It’s his life. My phone starts to ring and I pull out my phone. I look at Call ID and noticed it was Ben.

I glance up at Jake and announce that Ben was calling. “Hello?” Gosh, I hope it’s good news. I don’t think I could take much more bad news. Jake must have noticed my nervousness because he’s starting to look anxious himself.

“Hey Nell, Connor’s up. Just thought I’d let you know.” I sigh in relief. I mean who wouldn’t?
“Thanks for letting us know, we’ll be right up.” Jake looks confused. I quickly tell him the good news and he has the same reaction as me.  
“Hurry up and eat the rest of your soup, we should go upstairs as soon as possible. I want to make sure he’s ok for myself.” I understood what he was saying. He wanted to see that Connor was up and semi moving with his own eyes before he would believe it, even if it was his brother who told him.
Once I was done eating, we got up and went to dump our food into the trash. We put our trays on top of the pile and made our way to the elevator. We pressed button three and just as the doors were about to close completely, a hand stuck through the door. The doors open wider to reveal the owner of the hand. The hand happened to belong to a doctor, a rather handsome doctor.
“Hello, can you press button three?” he asked.
“That’s where we are going” Jake replied.
“Alright thank you, it’s been a long busy day and I feel this may be my only relaxing time for another few hours.”
“I know the feeling; I’m a physical therapist and as soon as one patient leaves another arrive. I love going home, just to sleep.” I reply.
“I know I’m on call pretty much all day and by the time I get home I never want to do anything. Sitting at home watching a movie then going to bed is my ideal night. I swear I used to have a life before I got this job.” He comments.
“I feel the same way, even though I live in a small town in Georgia and its nothing compared to this. I can’t even imagine being in such a big hospital.”
“I don’t even know what room I have to go to. The nurse just said to come upstairs and I’m to check in with her. You’re not from around here? Does that mean you have a family member here?” he curiously asked.
“I guess you could say that. A family friend, Connor O’Shea, was recently hurt and we’re here to see him.”
He looks at me in disbelief. “There is no way you know Connor O’Shea. He’s the freaking quarterback for the Steelers.”
“You better believe it.” Before anything more could be said the elevator doors open. Wow, that conversation seemed like it lasted a life time but it only lasted up to a minute. We walk out of the elevator and I hear a faint ding behind me signaling that the elevator doors have closed. We say our good byes to the doctor and walk to Connor’s room.
Once we get there we notice the door is closed and the blinds are shut so no one can get a peek into his room. Jake knocks on the door three times and walks in without even bothering to wait for a reply. Good old Jake. I’m still standing in the door entry when I hear laughter coming from inside. I guess that’s my queue to come inside. Connor glances up to me and Jake just continues to talk to Connor not even realizing that he’s not paying attention.
“Hey sugar, sorry to tear you away from that you busy life.”
“Yup you know me, miss popular had to cancel many plans in order to come. But hey, it was worth it.” I winked.
He burst out laughing, and then winced. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts! Stupid concussion.”
I walk over and pat his uninjured shoulder. “Take it easy there tiger. Don’t hurt yourself.” I giggled.
“Shut up Nell. You were always a smart mouth, I see nothing’s changed.” He winked at me.
“You know if you weren’t in the hospital with so many injuries I’d hit you!” I replied.
“Pft I’d like to see you try!”
“Oh you want to go?”
“You bet” I was about to reply but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.
The doctor from earlier walks in with a smile on his face, “Hello, you must be Connor.” He hasn’t even glanced at Jake and I yet. He’s obviously glad just to see Connor.
Just then he looks to the side and notices Jake and me standing there. “Hey you’re the physical therapist from the elevator!”
“Glad to know I’m so memorable.” Jake mutters.
I can’t help but laugh at Jake. I feel sort of bad. First the elevator and then Con and I talking without including him. I think we bruised his ego.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you knew Connor O’Shea. Wow. “The doctor said.
“Nope.” I replied.
“We grew up together. We practically lived together. I spent so much time with them I know almost everything about them, or at least I did before I moved up here. Isn’t that right, sugar?” Con responded. The doctor raised his eyebrow at me when he heard Connor’s pet name for me.
“You betcha Con, you’re stuck with me as a physical therapist so I’m sure you’ll get familiar with everyone again.”
“I don’t know if I trust you sugar. There’s been many a times where you’ve tricked me before. This one’s a little devil. Satin’s daughter I swear!” He winked at me while he pointed at me with his good thumb.
“Oh shut up Con. I’m not that bad. Besides all those time’s you deserved it! Quite frankly I remember you put gum in my hair while I was sleeping.”
“So you thought you’d get revenge by shaving a line down the front of my hair while I was sleeping?”
“Would you two stop bickering? You’re worse than Nell and Jake. Sorry doctor, go ahead and do check him out. I’m sure you’re busy.” Ben snapped. He’s always the rational one.
“I’m Doctor Vince DeMaio. Let’s have a look what do you say?” Jake, Ben, and I step outside to give them some privacy.
“Did you call Kali?” I asked Ben.
“Yeah, she said she’d be here as soon as she can. She’s really excited to see him. You know how it is, she’s his baby boy. I mean she loves Tim and Tyler, but you can tell she babies Con more.” Tim and Tyler are Connor’s older brother. Kali and Cody had each kid a year apart. Tim being the oldest child, Tyler the middle child, and Connor is the youngest child.  Tim and Tyler still live in our small town. When we were growing up, I was like the little sister they never had, meaning they were just as protective as Jake, Ben, and Connor were. Trust me; no guys would go near me. They were too afraid they’d get hurt! Shocker how all the girls wanted to be friends with me?
You see, Kali and Cody are great breeders. They should’ve had more kids because all of her kids are extremely good looking. And I mean fine! I’ve been told Ben and Jake are extremely handsome too but who looks at their brothers that way? I mean common, that’s just gross. So, all these girls would try to befriend me in high school because of my “connections.” Let’s just say I learned to become a good judge of character.
The doctor walks out of the Con’s room and heads straight for us. Jake and Ben go back into Con’s room leaving me to talk to the doctor. As they’re walking they decide to race. I guess there is always a little kid left in you, even after you’ve grown up. I smile as I watch them trip and fall onto one another. The doctor shakes his head and lets out a good laugh.
“Crazy bunch you got there.”
“You have no idea.”
“Connor will do fine, it won’t be a quick recovery but I think he’ll manage.”
“Thanks Dr. DeMaio, I really appreciate it.” I reply
“Not a problem. Oh, and call me Vince. Dr. DeMaio sounds so formal. May I call you Nell?”
“Of course, there is nothing formal about me.” His beeper started beeping, signaling that he was needed elsewhere.
“Well I guess I’ll see you around.” He said.
“Nice to meet you!” He winked at me.
When I get to Con’s room I notice that they left the door open and Jake was standing right next to the door from the inside of the room. Once I walk In I notice that they must have been ease dropping and that’s why Jake was standing so close to the door, he was listening while filling Ben and Connor in on all the juicy details.
Jake had an amused look on his face. Ben and Connor on the other hand, well let’s just say they weren’t so please. Connor was flat out glaring at me while Ben was scowling out the door, no doubt looking in the direction the doctor went.
“Why were you flirting with my doctor?!” Connor yelled.
“Excuse me, I wasn’t flirting he was. And I’m 24 years old! I think I can talk to a guy if I want to!”
“‘Of course there is nothing formal about me,’” he mimicked in a high voice, “And I don’t care how old you are! You still shouldn’t go around flirting with people!”
“Connor, you’ve been gone for how many years. I don’t think you have a say in who I talk to anymore.”
“Like hell I don’t!”
“Guys chill! It was only a guy, a doctor from Pittsburgh and if you seem to forget, we live in Georgia. So don’t get your panties in a twist and just forget about it!”
These next few months are going to be one hell of a roller coaster ride.

My Country ManOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora