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"Let me carry your baby".

I stare at him, my jaw slacking at the surprise of what he has just declared. I blink owlishly, everything seems to have gone fuzzy as I try to understand why this submissive wolf would state such a serious and dangerous statement.

"What did you just propose?". Vic asks, her voice dangerously low- a promise of pain and humiliation directed at the calm submissive wolf- yet I feel my wolf stir with annoyance at Vic's words to him.


"That I will carry your baby- I know it's a huge thing to propose but I heard what the elder's said, if you don't have a child with your alpha heritage then all of the pack will suffer". He clarifies his outrageous decision with sound logic- I can understand why he would do it but to actually do it is another huge step.

I suddenly become aware of how dry my lips are- I wet them as I think over the words this wolf has just spoken- he's right, we all know it- but this is ludicrous, I will not cheat on my wife.

"That may be true, but it has nothing to do with you". My voice is stern and leaves no room for argument as I stare into those unique green eyes- but I see a sparkle in them as a smug smile breaks across his face- it sends small thrills through my stomach.

I push back these strange feelings.

"That's where you are incorrect, Alpha Summers- I am a part of this pack but here is where my 'sacrifice' works into the bargain". He continues to push through his argument and I have no idea if I should feel offended or proud.

proud? what the fuck.

"Oh, of course the pack slut would want something in return for sleeping with my mate". Victoria hisses with venom, her eyes swimming with anger, no, rage.

A fierce snarl explodes within my mind, I forcibly fist my hands, my nails biting into the skin of my palms as I snarl at the harsh words that my wife spat. I feel myself glaring at her- this hot white anger burning in my chest-- I have no idea why?

I cast a worried glance in the wolf's way and he doesn't looked phased.

"I am no pack slut- I just want to leave this pack". His voice is cold and precise- it sends a pain through me- he wants to leave?

"W-what?". Vic asks, stunned.

He sighs almost self consciously as he rubs his left hand against forearm. it's endearing.

"I want to explore the world- I would like to see what is out there and the only way you can do that is if I get your permission". He looks so innocent- so filled with child like wonder with what the outside world holds that it makes me ache.

"Uh". I stutter, unsure where to go.

"Listen". He folds his arms against his chest. " I will lay down the basics : The child will obviously be yours, both of yours. The pack will still allow this baby to rule because I will be carrying your egg and your sperm- I am just the oven. It's a perfect deal- Just think about it". He says softly, I sense that he cares as he gives me a smile that pulls on my heart.

"My name is Robin, Robin Grey". he then departs with ease as if he hasn't just dropped a huge life altering bomb on us.

"What the fuck". We both whisper.


"We cant seriously be entertaining this idea, Dean".

I rub my eyes with a heavy sigh- I can feel a headache forming.

"My biggest concern is over the well being of the pack, Vic. You heard the elder, I cannot allow Jenkins to take over this pack- I wont". I growl lowly at the thought.

she huffs loudly and the noise goes through me- she slaps her hands against her thighs as she stands up and strides over to my desk.

"I cant have children, Dean- I have no eggs- I am barren, you know this - So even if wanted to take that bitches offer". A growl rumbles within my mind. " we couldn't because we would have to use your sperm and his egg". She spits, her dark eyes filling with anger.

Taking a deep breath, I don't look away from my angry wife.

"I cant allow this pack to leave my family- I have an obligation to this pack, to my ancestors". I hold my ground with a steady voice- I watch as the news reaches her face- she looks stunned.

"You're going to...breed him?". She gasps, I clench my teeth as she screeches with anger.

I sigh loudly as I slam my hands against the surface of the table- the sensation thrums through my hands as she quietens down.

"I am not going to breed him- we're going to make a deal, he will sell his egg to us and I will pay him so he can travel the world- we will visit doctor Emery and he will do the implantation- no one will know". I explain carefully- something tears inside of me when I speak so candidly about Robin's egg...

"You're forgetting one thing in that perfect plan- how are we going to explain to them that I am with pup if I don't show? huh". She growls. Her arms tightly crossed against her chest, her posture rigid.

My eyes dart to her flustered face, anger clear to see in those wide eyes of hers but something else is in them and it irritates me beyond belief that I can't read what it is. Ignoring it for a moment I continue with explaining my plan:

"We will make up a lie- you cant carry the child yourself because your body cant handle the stress or that you have pack duties that call for you to be available so we have decided to use a surrogate". I explain. I feel relief course through me as the plan seems to make sense.

Vic softens as she thinks it over.

"It seems like it could work". She mutters.

I feel a smile work upon my lips.

"It will work, Vic. We can have a child- we get to keep our pack". I cant even hide my excitement at the thought of having my own child- a pup.

Robin is my saviour.

"Just one problem". She adds.

"what?". I feel my wolf and I turn almost feral at the idea of my child being taken away.

"You just need to make sure Robin will give up his egg- Y'know- his child".

...My heart plummets into my stomach.


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