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The sharp click on the marble floor alerted the young looking woman to her presence though this didn't disturb her from taking a slow sip from her green tea with a shot of honey for her throat, she's been feeling absolutely rough these past few days.

The woman stopped by the chair facing the young blonde woman who emitted grace and class from one simple look, she simply placed the china white cup on the saucer and sighed quietly as she interlocked her hands and looked up into the eyes of the woman who has simply been the bane of her life for many years now.

"Victoria". She greeted with her perfect English accent- this sent a pang of jealousy through Victoria who simply gave her a hard glare.

"Violet". She almost spits the name which earns her a sharp glare from Violet.

"Be careful with that tongue lest it be gone, girl". Violet warned with a voice that dared her never to defy her and it sent a pang of fear through Victoria's chest as she pulled a mask of indifference as she sat opposite her.

Almost on cue a young waiter with black sleek hair and perfectly crisp uniform appeared next to her.

"Can I take your order, Madam?". He asked

She didn't even spare the young man a glance as she gently took off her black leather gloves.

"White wine". She commanded, the waiter nodded and quickly left happy to leave the rude woman- Victoria looked around the establishment with a look of distaste and Violet found it awfully amusing watching her squirm.

"What is this place?".

"Oh, I do enjoy this place. Such wonderful service and such lively, jaunty customers". Violet spoke which such joy that it made Victoria cringe.

"I thought you had better taste". Victoria couldn't miss the opportunity to dig her elbow into Violet- she wanted her to know that she was better than her- better than she used to be.

"And I thought you were smarter than tracking me down, Vicky". Violet said, her voice dripping with a warning.

Victoria prickled at the dreaded nickname that reminded her of who she used to be.

"I need your service- I will be willing to pay".

Violet hummed with curiosity.

"What do you have to give up?". Victoria picked up on the hidden message and she had to hold back herself.

"I need your help. Someone has come into my mate's and I relationship and I need to know if it's who I think it is". The worry was evident in her sultry voice- The sound made Violet angry. Her dark blue eyes flashed with that anger for a moment before she gained control over herself once again.

"Mate?". She inquired with a venomous tone that sent Victoria's hair on end.


"You know fully well that Dean isn't your mate- not your real one". Violet cut her off, she couldn't hide her distaste for this creature.

"yes, he is". Victoria reaffirmed with an animal fierceness.

Violet chuckled bitterly as she stirred her cold tea.

"No, Darling girl, he isn't. You met your real mate and you couldn't stand him- what ever happened to Walker? oh yes, now I remember". She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes and it was pain inducing to witness. "He died of rejection. His rejection and yours".

Victoria felt a pang of regret and sadness hit her in her chest as she quickly looked away to hold back the sudden emotions that want to get the best of her.

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