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Leo instantly had a startled looking Violet in his arms, they tightened around her and his nose slot's itself within the crook of her pale neck.

Pine and Lavender- the scent is hers and instantly he claimed it as only his to smell- a low purr rumbles through his chest.

"Uh, Mr Aslan could you please back off? I do enjoy possessive hugs, well only when my favourite ships and or OTP get together- when will Dean and Castiel realise that they belong together?". She exclaimed with pain as she looked into a confused Robin's face.

"They don't belong together- they're just friends". Robin rolled his eyes with a small noise of annoyance. "Castiel and Charlie's friendship gave me life". He nodded to himself with a small smile. He really does enjoy the feels.

"What? Oh my god, Robin- when I thought we could be friends- you go and drop this huge bomb on me?". She gently pushed away Leo's arms which gained a low growl from him but she ignored him and walked further to an bemused Robin.

Leo watched her with a look of possessiveness so powerful that it would put any wolf to shame- she belonged to him and he enjoyed that.

"I just don't see it, Vi. I see a friendship- and also, Jensen belongs to me- simple- oh, just don't tell Dean I said that- not Dean Winchester- my Dean, my mate Dean- ugh, I am so confused". He softly poked his forehead with a cute pout.

"I will and shall always be a firm supporter of Destiel".

"and I will always be a supporter of Wiccan/Hulkling". Robin chimed in before turning away to sit on the soft sofa- his mind filled with worries of his mate- he was so angry- he had never seen him like that before and it scared him- it still does.

"You're worried". Violet stated with a small worry line etched across her forehead.

Robin couldn't help but scoff at her observation.

"That obvious, huh". He didn't mean to sound bitter but he couldn't help it- he just wanted to focus on Dean.

"I can sense it in your aura. You're all frazzily". She wiggled her fingers for extra effect.

Robin gave her a look and it showed all of the pent up annoyance within him.

"You can see auras too?".

She nodded with a proud smile as she sat next to him- Leo close by watching her.

"I can cast wishes, see auras, telekinesis, premonitions, spell casting- just your basic everyday witch". She shrugged with modesty but this made both Leo and Robin shocked into surprise.

"You are magical, darling". Leo whispered with awe- Robin felt a small smile tug at his lips- he wouldn't call out how cringe worthy that sounded.

Violet gave him a small smile.

"Thank you". She sounded sweet- yet, they knew that she didn't need his opinion to make her feel like a special being- she is her own person who is bound my loyalty- to the bitter end it would seem.

Then an idea popped within Robin's mind.

"Can you do anything to get Dean back? I don't like him leaving like that- he's going to regret whatever he has planned upon doing". He voiced his worry.

"I can cast a spell and find where he has gone". She supplied with a hum before closing her eyes and whispering under her breath- Even with wolf and Lion hearing- they couldn't understand a word she was saying.

it sounded Celtic.

then her eyes shot open and her eyes were subtly enhanced with a golden tint. She then turned to Robin.

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