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Robin entered the kitchen with a heavy sigh, his back ached and his swelling stomach felt heavier today and he was not enjoying wearing sweats and a baggy sweater- though they belong to Dean but his scent has disappeared from them.

His dark green eyes searched the kitchen counter and his stomach wouldn't give the consent for him to eat something- he isn't sure if he's hungry or not.

His hand rubbed his bump in comforting circles- a contented sigh escaped from his lips as he waddled further into the kitchen, he plumped down on the chair by the kitchen table.

Where the hell is everyone?

Robin gently laid his arms across his bump- excitement coursed through him, he is soon to be a mother- a mama- he will have a child. He doesn't know whether or not if he's having a girl or boy, he wanted it to be a surprise- Dean desperately wanted to know so he could paint the room and be finished with it- But Robin wouldn't budge on his decision.

The other thing that brings excitement is the fact that after the pup is born, they will all go on a tour around the world- not every country- and it wont be for months but he's excited that he gets to share it with the most important people in his life.

He continued to rub his bump- his pup moved under the touch and it brought a breath taking smile upon the young wolf's face.

Motherhood is his calling- but it wont define him as a person.

He will teach his child to follow their dreams, to be who they are and not to succumb to what society pressures you into being.

"Hey, Beautiful". His southern voice rang out- Robin turned to his left and smiled at his mate, his husband of three months walking up to him with a beautiful smile. "How is my baby treating ya?". He chuckled warmly as he kissed his cheek and placed his huge warm hand upon his bump- he felt a thrill through his body and his pup kicked excitedly which made them both smile.

"He's going to be a daddy's boy, this alpha is". Dean smiled proudly.

"Why do you think he's going to be a boy?".

"Because, I know. He's going to be all protective over his beautiful mama". He turned to Robin and a serious look took over his dark eyes. "So will I". He leaned in and pressed another hot kiss to his lips- he tasted like mint.

"You need to stop being so protective, Mr Alpha- I can look after myself". Robin said with a soft brush through Dean's hair, it's gotten thicker and needs cutting- he's also sporting a light stubble beard.

Pregnancy has seemed to make Robin a randy little devil and Dean has loved every second of it.

"I will never stop being protective of you- or my pup- it's going to get worse". he chuckled self deprecatingly at himself which Robin finds beautifully cute. He runs his hand down his cheek and Dean finds himself pushing into the touch- the sparks have grown stronger since the pregnancy.

"I know- and I will try to understand your alpha side- Have you seen Leo and Vi? I haven't messaged her back about tomorrow's dinner party".

Dean smiled as he nodded.

"Yeah, we're having lamb".

"Yes". Robin exclaimed with excitement.

Dean chuckled as he made his way to the fridge.

"I am making some breakfast, do you want some?". He asked as he brought out some bacon and mushrooms.

Robin's mouth filled almost immediately at the sight.

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