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Like wow I have over 300 reads!! Thanks so much :) please tell me any feedback and comment because it makes my day, honestly :)

Also, a disclaimer for the entire book: I don't own Shadowhunters or the Mortal Instruments. Cassandra Clare does, and much as I wish I was her so I could (SPOILER) not kill Max, I'm not.

Sad face.

Anyway, I don't own anything but Daisy and the idea of the Dark and Light faeries. :)
And I know Unseelie is actually another faerie court but whatever, it's fanfiction

Just because you have a pretty cage does not mean you are free.


The rest of the meeting I spent in a daze. My Queen- the Seelie Queen, ruler of Faerie- was going Dark.

It was what we called the faeries who succumbed to their demon side- who were wild and untameable. Sometimes they were called the Unseelie, sometimes the Darkened Ones- mostly, though, we didn't talk about them. There were more than we would like- far more, far far more than the Light ones, the Seelie.

In a faerie court, there is rarely one side. It's our nature to be divided- demon and angel warring within us. So our court is divided, too- the Light and the Dark. Angel and demon. Seelie and Unseelie.

It's so much easier to be bad than good, after all. But the Queen- the Queen should always be a perfect blend of angel and demon. If not, better, far better, to be more Light than Dark. After all, most of the Queen's advisers are Dark, as is most of Faerie.

The Queen- my Queen- is turning Dark... I felt my pulse rising. The angels save us all. Next she'll be helping Valentine Morgensten and his band of rouge Shadowhunters. If the royals are turning Dark....

I need to leave. I almost gasped aloud at the very thought- leave Faerie? - but bit my lip hastily. I can't leave. That's the coward's way out. I have to stay and try and talk reason into the Queen- I have to. I'm the one she's most likely to listen to, after all.

'Daisy, dear, lead our dear Shadowhunters out,' the Queen purred. 'Come back soon when you're done. We have much to discuss.'

'Yes, my lady,' I said. 'We do have much to talk about.' Like you turning Unseelie.

'Be careful, dearest,' the Queen said softly. 'Don't tell any of these Shadowhunters- or the Mundane- anything. I know how much Shadowhunters interest you.' There was a warning in her eyes- this was a twisted gift, a gift of seeing the beings that fascinated me so much- and yet... There was something in her eyes that made me wary.

'I will not, my lady,' I said. And I stood to escort the Shadowhunters out.


'Okay,' I said, as soon as they were out of Faerie. I noticed the mundane had vanished, and frowned, then remembered seeing him stomp off after two of the Shadowhunters kissed. Whatever. 'Listen carefully. I can only say this once-' and then my throat stuck.

Don't tell any of these Shadowhunters- or the mundane- anything.

'What?' Isabelle asked.

'Damn,' I hissed. 'The Queen-'

'She's trying to tell us something,' the blonde one said, leaning forwards. 'What is it, faerie?'

'I can't tell you,' I said, rocking backwards and forwards on my heels. 'And don't call me faerie, Nephilim.'

'What would you like to be called, then, faerie?' He asked, with intrest. 'Please, tell me. Liar, perhaps? Minion of the Queen? Backstabbing freak?'

'Jace,' Isabelle said. 'What's got into you? She's trying to help us, for the love of the Angel!'

'She's a faerie, Izzy,' Jace said scornfully. 'You can't trust faeries, everyone knows that.'

'Really?' I asked, feeling anger rise up inside me. 'Because, in my world, everyone knows you can't trust the Nephilim and their fancy Accords, and their Clave! Shadowhunters used to go around and murder faeries left and right because of our demon side, like you used to murder warlocks and vampires and werewolves-'

'You weren't exactly innocent, were you?' Jace asked, looking on the verge of laughing. 'You lot-'

'Jace,' the short ginger one said urgently. 'Jace, where's Simon?'

'The mundane?' I said. 'He left. Quite a while ago, actually. I'm surprised you didn't see.'

'Clary, just a second,' Jace said sharply. 'Faerie, are you going to tell us anything or not?'

Shadowhunters. Sometimes they're so stupid.

'I can't,' I said, feeling irritation growing. 'I told you. My Queen forbade me not to-'

'Then why are you still here?'

'Jace,' Isabelle cried. 'Jace, something's really bothering you today-'

'What could that be?' Jace asked sweetly, and the ginger one, Clary, flushed angrily.

'I was going to suggest we find Alec or Magnus,' Isabelle said. 'Daisy, you could tell them what you know, and technically, that wouldn't be breaking your word, right?'

'Technically,' I agreed reluctantly. 'But I can't go now. The Queen will be waiting. Can I meet you here later?'

'Midnight?' Isabelle asked. 'Wait, no, is ten tomorrow alright?'


Isabelle nodded.

'Okay. But I have to go. Tell nobody about this,' I warned. 'Oh, and, maybe don't bring the blonde one. I don't think he likes me.'

I turned and walked away.

Shadowhunters. They'll be the death of me.

Short but in one (maybe two) chapters Daisy and Alec meet so all is wonderful and amazing

Thanks so much for so many reads, I love you!

Please vote + comment because it helps me update faster :)

xxx Jade

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