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"Let's set fear on fire."

A/N at the start so I know you'll read it- IMPORTANT- I'm thinking of changing this to a Simon Lewis fanfic because Simon is cute af and I think having him would fit better than Alec. Please let me know- if you still want it be Alec, I'll make a kind of love square with Alec, Daisy, Magnus and Daisy's old boyfriend who you all probably know who he is but I'm not straight up telling you yet.

I've confused myself.

Basically, comment if you know Daisy's old boyfriend HERE and I'll laugh if you're wrong and cry if you're right.

And comment if you think I should change it to a Simon fanfic HERE and comment if you want it to stay Alec.


Twenty minutes passed, and my fingers hovered over the keyboard.

I got kicked out of Faerie. Hope you're happy now. -Daisy

I sighed and swiped my finger over the message, deleting it. I hadn't sunk that low yet- I wasn't him.

Although we were supposed to have broken up 'gently' and 'as friends' he was a dickhead, and it wasn't the best of breakups. In fact, it had ended with me throwing things at his head and him almost ripping part of my wing off- although he had apologised and said he hadn't meant to do it.

I wasn't sure I believed him.

I couldn't even say his name anymore- couldn't even think it. I suspected he didn't feel the same.

Then a shadow slipped out of the darkness, and I felt my heart constrict, even as I thought it's isn't him, it can't be him, it won't be him, and then the shadow stepped into the light.

A Shadowhunter. And behind him was Magnus.

'Daisy,' Magnus said softly. 'Oh, Daisy, Daisy- what have you done now?'

I closed my eyes and sighed. 'The Queen's still upset that I was in love with one of the Night Children. I told her she shouldn't be so hard on Shadowhunters and I guess it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. She completely freaked out and went all crazy on me.'

The Shadowhunter stifled a laugh, and I looked at him properly. He looked like Isabelle- all delicate cheekbones and dark hair and height, but he had startling blue eyes, rather than Isabelle's almost black ones. Lightwood.

'I'm okay, anyway,' I said, standing up. 'Magnus, are you alright? You sounded like you were busy on the phone...'

'Vampires,' Magnus said. 'I was with Raphael and Simon.'

'What? What did he do?'

'Raphael didn't do anything,' Magnus said. 'Unless you count being a bloodsucking murderous psycho, in which case-'

'Magnus,' the Lightwood boy said. 'Calm down.'

'Oh,' Magnus said. 'Yes. I forgot. Alec, this is Daisy, my old friend- as you may have guessed from the wings, she's a faerie. Daisy, this is Alec, my, um, my- he's a Shadowhunter.'

Another one of Magnus' many mortal lovers, I thought ruefully. He'll get his heart broken again, I can just tell he will. This is ridiculous. Shadowhunters, vampires, Seelies, werewolves, mundanes- they all break your heart.

Magnus' last mortal love was dead now, and his last immortal love had turned into a complete psycho. Or, more accurately, had always been one.

My last mortal love- well, I hadn't had one. And my last immortal love was an undead vampire with serious issues and a thirst for blood- literally.

God, I was turning into an episode of EastEnders.

'Anyway, Magnus, if I could just crash at your place until I find some kind of job that has an employer who's blind and can't see my wings.' I sighed.

Yes, technically you had to have the Sight to see my wings, etc, etc, but a surprising number of people either had the Sight or were nine years old and still believed in magic, meaning they could see everything.

That's why Shadowhunters were so lucky- nobody believed in Shadowhunters because no one had ever heard of them. Faeries, however- everyone had heard of faeries.

Just my luck.

Magnus looked at me sympathetically, then passed me his keys. 'Don't drink my coffee,' he said warningly. 'Remember last time.'

I shuddered. 'Vividly.'

As it turned out, I went utterly crazy on caffeine. I'd lain down on Magnus' couch and started giggling wildly, pointing at Ragnor's green skin, calling him a frog, trying to kiss him to see if he'd turn into a prince and basically taking #NoFilter to a whole new level.

Ragnor avoided me for three months after that little incident.

'Oh, and, Magnus?' I said. 'Thanks. Seriously. I appreciate it.'

'No problem.' Magnus winked, hooking his arm around Alec's and dragging him away. I didn't miss Alec turning back and gazing at me with those huge blue eyes, blinking slowly and looking thoroughly like a lost puppy.

Well, damn, Magnus' new Shadowhunter pet is hot.

Short filler, I'm sorry. Things heat up next chapter :) and I have a silly chapter planned with Daisy and coffee so look forwards to that :)

Please let me know: Alec or Simon?

I do have another Alec one so I'm seriously considering changing it, but the name would probably change as well.

xxx Jade

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