A/N- Apology

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Hey, everyone!

Firstly, I'm so so sorry about the huge wait for an update. Seriously. SORRY. An update will be coming soon- I'm on holiday right now and I'm trying to relax, plus I forgot city of bones so I can't fact check my work. But never fear- update is coming, and I'll try and make it extra long to make up for the huge wait. Maybe I'll even throw in a bonus chapter to say a huge thank you for 15k!!


I typed in Alec Lightwood to see some fanfics, and mine came up SECOND. I literally have no clue how that happened, because there are loads more with loads more reads than mine, and maybe it's just a glitch or something, but still- WOW. I love you all so much! Thank you!

Another quick thing- I'm considering changing Daisy's face claim to Shelley Hennig, because she's goals af and I love her. And- teen wolf. Malia. No explanation needed. Please tell me what you think!

Love you all so much. If you ever need anything t all or just want to chat, PM me. I'm always there. (Except next week where I'll have next to no wifi sad face)


xxx Jade

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