Episode 25: A New Semester

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Kevin VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Col. Greene: "The Power Rangers sent the attacking Elves away."

Hitomi: (To her new roommate) "Sorry if we're making you nervous."

Karen Schmidt: (About Lizzie) "Be honest, what's her story?"

Daisuke: "We have grown complacent ever since the attack on the Capitol."

Ritchie: "Ragnarok made me chuckle."

Sean: "We should stay on our guard... We already have two Elven guests who don't know what Ragnar was planning."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 25: A New Semester

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Boiling hot water poured out of the tea kettle, turning a dark color while mixing with the tea leaves in the ceramic pot. Kevin put the kettle back on the stove and grabbed his copy of the Wisconsin State Journal and began to read while waiting for the tea to be just the right color.

While Kevin's love of tea has been emphasized a bit lately, it must be said that if there is any culture in the British Isles that truly loves its tea, it is the Irish. The English tea culture is certainly famous for good reasons, but the Irish drink more tea per capita than any country on Earth. Kevin is simply partaking in a favorite pastime both culturally and personally. Yes, he really does love his tea.

So Kevin checked on the tea and smiled, knowing that the tea was ready. He took the tea pot and poured the tea into his mug. He was dressed for the occasion, wearing a sweater vest, Dockers and a tie. Today was the first day of classes for all eight of the Power Rangers, and his first day as a Teaching Assistant.

He added some cream and sugar to his tea, then took a sip. It was heavenly, as usual! He smiled to himself at another job well-done. "Well look at you!" Kevin turned to the side as Sean strolled into the kitchen, looking over his friend. "Mr. Scholar. Maria was just talking about how she envies how you've become a teacher before her."

"A shame," Kevin said.

Rather than sharing in Kevin's oh-so-Irish breakfast, Sean went with the All-American bowl of cereal. There was some Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the cabinet that he took out. "So what are you teaching?"

"English classes," said Kevin. "I'll be teaching a language and linguistics class. I wanted to teach a literary studies class but I have to complete my first year before I can do that. The linguistics program is temporary."

"Oh, that's nice," said Sean. "What do you expect to teach?"

"We have a syllabus," said Kevin. The others followed into the kitchen, and began getting their breakfasts ready.

"So, is everyone ready for the first day of classes?" Sean asked. "Yeah, I know it's a little wonky starting on Tuesday, but yesterday was MLK Day.

"It's too early," said Aaron.

"Too bad," said Sean. "Everybody chose morning classes, like me and Metoxen, after all." Ritchie shook his head to chastise Maria and Aaron.

"As well as I," said Daisuke.

"Don't tell me," Sean groaned.

"My last class for the day ends at noon," said Daisuke. "Yes, I also enrolled."

"Well, AJ doesn't seem to like him very much," said Sean. "Eh, he likes Arquen and Lizzie, so he can watch while they plan a coup or something. I think they're planning a coup, I'm just not sure how they can do it with just them."

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