Episode 39: I Fight for my Tribe

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Kevin VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Gina: "You mean so much to me, Hitomi."

Sean: "At least Col. Greene was honest with us."

Maelstrom: "I'm on my way to Madison right now. I'll be there by noon and I'll explain everything."

Túrelie: "I plan to demand that they give up their morphers. As soon as they refuse, we will release the information."


Sakura: "I refuse to negotiate for Project Ranger."

Túrelie: "Every single sin SWORD has ever committed will be the cause of the organization's downfall! And you helped cause it, no thanks to your silly defiance!"

(Hitomi cuts her hair, releasing herself from Phaedos's grip and the Rangers use this opportunity to attack)

Hitomi: "The old Hitomi is dead."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 39: I Fight for my Tribe

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

SWORD was in shambles. The carefully-planned release of the organization's many sins had sent the media into a firestorm. The first program to be cut was Project Ranger, which for the moment, had no command structure, support or backing. After that, the long list of the organization's abuses sent it into a tailspin that essentially doomed the first worldwide intelligence organization.

There were two more attacks on the rudderless Power Rangers afterwards, but they managed to fight them off. The Project's staffers did their best to support the team despite the dwindling funds and lack of help.

Thankfully, that help was on the way.

The Project's Arlington headquarters got a bit of a surprise when a limo rolled up in front of it. A familiar face exited the car and strode up to the door and came in without so much as an introduction. But they knew who it was. And the buzz that spread through headquarters was excited.

Col. Alan Greene was back.

"Col. Greene!" A lieutenant saluted, "It is an honor, sir!"

"At ease, soldier," the colonel replied, "I understand you've been facing tough times."

"Without SWORD, we're like a rudderless boat," said the lieutenant.

"No need to worry, son," Col. Greene replied. "I'd like to address the Project as a whole. Are the Rangers out of class?"

"They're on Spring Break," said the lieutenant, "They're still in Madison."

"Good," he said. "Patch me through to everyone." The lieutenant nodded and Col. Greene cleared his throat.

"Ready when you are, sir."

"Attention members of Project Ranger," he said, "This is United States Army Colonel Alan Greene. I understand that the last few days have been difficult for all of you. I'm here to tell you that your worries are over.

"In the wake of SWORD's collapse, the United Nations and United States Department of Homeland Security have agreed to step in and rescue the Project. As of this moment, Project Ranger is in new hands. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and President Obama have agreed to re-install me as commander of Project Ranger. I know a lot of you have fond memories of UN command. I can assure you that we will do our best.

"To the Rangers—we understand your struggle. You have been lied to by leaders who did not care for you and saw you only as a tool. I know you better than that. You are paragons of humanity. It is because of you that humans have a symbol of hope for the future. And thanks to your forgiveness of the Elf-Queen Eruvanda, you have shown that humans and elves can live peacefully.

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