Episode 34: Arquen the Green Ranger

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Rob VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Eruvanda: "I intend to free my people from Ragnar's grip."

Ingvar: "Intelligence has discovered something... interesting about Project Ranger."

Veronica: "I had to leave school because I had cancer."

Lee: "Everyone calls me Lee."

Gina: "I know dad told me about hidden elf villages in the woods."

Jimmy: "So will I ever get a morpher?"

Daisuke: "I hereby resign my duties as Green Ranger effective immediately!"

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 34: Arquen the Green Ranger

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Jimmy was right about Daisuke. Being a temporary replacement would indeed make him decide to end his time as a Power Ranger early.

It's just that it seemed like it came right the fuck outta nowhere and nobody saw it coming.

"YOU'RE QUITTING!?" Sean shouted. He'd waited twenty minutes until they'd gotten back to the house and it built up so much that when it finally came up again, Sean could not help but scream. "AGAIN!?"

"Yes," said Daisuke, "I apologize for not making it clear earlier."

"Well you fuckin' should've!" Sean replied. "Why didn't you tell us!?"

"It is a product of my culture," Daisuke replied. Sean's anger dissipated and his face softened. "My father and grandmother told me never to show dissatisfaction with my station."

"Except you bitched about that all the time last year," said Sean.

"This is different," Daisuke replied, "Showing emotion was discouraged in my family. Hitomi is the exception because she is more emotional than I ever could be. But I have known all along that because I was a temporary replacement and Ndebele was to return when he recovered, I would have to resign. But that only made it worse. I also had a suspicion O'Callahan was going to fire me." Sean looked around suspiciously. Was he listening to his and Jimmy's conversation?

"Also, I have been wracked with feelings that perhaps I am not the one for the position," he continued, "And someone else should be Green Ranger."

"I volunteer," Ritchie's hand shot up faster than he skates down the ice.

"Forget it, you're just looking for an excuse to wear Packer paraphernalia," said Kevin.

"You can't prove that!" said Ritchie.

"It's written all of your face," said Kevin.

"Then who, Jimmy?" asked Sean. "He and I already talked about this, replacing one Miyazawa with an O'Callahan is nepotism, which na, na, that's how you got your job."

"You never pass up an opportunity to mock me," said Daisuke.

"You earned it, Rich Boy," said Sean.

"Point taken," said Daisuke.

"You know, I'm actually happy he's saying this," said Maria, "Last time he was a Ranger, he resigned out of shame."

"He's usually a pompous, arrogant and prejudiced bastard," Sean said to Ritchie.

"I saw that," Ritchie deadpanned.

"But who would we replace him with?" asked Hitomi, "We don't have anyone—"

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