Episode 26: The Errand

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Maria VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Sean: "Is everyone ready for first day of classes?"

Ragnar: "I shall prepare an attack force to notify the Power Rangers that we are committed to our Holy Mission."

Tirna: "Let me handle them."

Rusco: (To Maria) "I noticed you getting confrontational with one of my students."

Maria: "She bumped into me."

Tirna: "ATTACK!"

Sean: "You assholes never learn."

Tirna: "The end is coming for you."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 26: The Errand

:-:-:-: We're the best chance for humanity, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Phaedos had learned how to act like an Elf pretty quickly during his two months in Alfheim. It was easy! All he needed was a pair of ear extensions and a massive hatred of humans. He already hated humans. The ear extensions though, were rather different. He hated wearing them. He felt like he was living a lie but if it meant killing the Power Rangers, he could live this lie.

Tirna had little issue, anyway, and couldn't really complain. Since Tirna had not had a chance to take out the Rangers during the invasion, this was their best chance. If not, they could just go rogue and kill 'em themselves.

But Ragnar had other plans. And they required Tirna and Phaedos to behave themselves. He didn't need them, but they were valuable allies that if they went rogue or betrayed him would be a detriment to his plans. But they were proceeding as planned and he could afford to get rid of them.

He watched Phaedos twirling a pen in his fingers, looking rather bored. Any longer with nothing to do and Ragnar worried that Phaedos might do something rash. And yet Ragnar held a very important piece of paper in his hands. Perhaps Phaedos might be interested in the mission the paper is detailing. "Phaedos," said Ragnar, "I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?" Phaedos asked, with boredom infecting his voice.

"I need you to go on a mission," said Ragnar. Phaedos stopped twirling the pen and looked over at Ragnar. "We found something near the town of Skardu in Pakistan. It is related to your people's history on Earth."

"I'm listening," said Phaedos.

"I need you to take a team of archaeologists and do some digging there," said Ragnar. Phaedos groaned and dropped the pen in anger. "It is far better that siting around here and doing nothing," Ragnar continued.

"This place sounds like it's in the middle of nowhere," said Phaedos.

"Exactly," Ragnar replied. "No one will know you're there." Phaedos was about to object. But when Ragnar handed the paper to him, he looked it over and began to reconsider.

"What about the Rangers?"

"They will be dealt with," said Ragnar.

:-:-:-: PRGPX :-:-:-:

As part of the deal to stay with the Rangers (at least until the time was right), Arquen and Eruvanda had to contribute around these house. That included doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, doing the dishes, etc, etc. Tonight it was Eruvanda's turn to cook. We're not really going to show her screwing up like a fish-out-of-water, because it's been a month for them to get used to it.

For Eruvanda, contributing was a delightfully humbling experience. It gave her the opportunity to see how the average being lived. If she regained her throne, she could use these experiences to help better Alfheim. But first things first. Right now, she was making some lasagna and salad for everyone. She had the cookbook and ingredients out, diligently working to make a good product. She also had some lettuce out to make a salad.

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