Episode 51: No Sleep 'Til Alfheim

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Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 51: No Sleep 'Till Alfheim

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers GPX, GO! :-:-:-:

Finals  week was inevitably upon them. It was strange that it would come around  the same time that Ragnar was planning his endgame. It was quite  convenient. They could kill two birds with one stone. And, it was just  like the last semester, which saw them fight a climactic battle at the  Wisconsin State Capitol building on Christmas Eve. That battle turned  the tide of the conflict, which had been more elven-dominated, but now  the Rangers had forced it to become a typical Power Rangers  monster-of-the-day conflict that had taken its toll on everyone  involved.

But what really took a toll wasn't the long, drag-out  repetitive conflict, but in the waning weeks, it was the gradual  building towards the end of the spring semester, the ostensible end of  the academic year... which would've been worse if the Power Rangers  weren't going to summer school and spending the summer in Madison.

But  the flurry of activity made the planning for the Rangers' already  hastily-decided-on attack on Alfheim difficult. Ritchie's pre-law class,  for example, required students to study a particular case and discuss  its impact. In Ritchie's particular case (no pun intended... or was  it?), he was studying the (in)famous Liebeck vs. McDonald's case,  A.K.A., the scalding coffee case. Spoiler alert: The old lady was in the  right because of the scalding burns she suffered in a motionless car.

Some  loud footfalls distracted him, making him look up from the essay on his  laptop to see Maria, wearing her yellow, blue and green yukata that  Hitomi had given her in Japan last June, stomp downstairs and enter the  kitchen. Her hair was disheveled, and although she often looked very  good without makeup, mornings were an exception. He sniggered when he  saw her, but the glare she shot him, after looking up from filling the  coffee maker with Café Pilao dark roast, made him look back at his  laptop.

"Sleep well?" he couldn't resist asking.

"I was  studying until three in the fucking morning," she hissed. Ritchie  checked the clock. It was 7-and-a-half minutes until 8 in the morning.

Ritchie didn't want to get her riled up, even more, so he went back to the essay he was writing. He began to sip his own coffee.

"I need a good fuck."

Ritchie  was relieved that he didn't spit his coffee all over his laptop. He  chalked her sudden TMI comment up to her brain rebooting after waking up  from a stressful night of studying. Her reaction, wide-eyed expression  of realization, confirmed that.

"Oh, fuck!" She hissed. "I didn't  mean to say that out loud!" She immediately chugged half her coffee in  one gulp. The other half of that coffee spilled down the sides of her  mouth and onto her tank top. She seemed more inconvenienced than angry  at this.

"I guess that's what they mean by 'no sleep 'till Alfheim'," Ritchie sniggered.

Maria smacked him upside the head.

Something on the TV caught her attention. A man in Boston was screaming at the camera, pointing his finger at something. "... Those pointy-eahed bastahds..."  were the only words they could make out, but the crowd chanting slogans  in the background implied that it was a protest of some kind. Indeed it  was.

They were protesting something called the St. Xavier School  for Elves near Northeastern University. According to the story, it was  one of the first elf-centric institutions to come public in the wake of  the Battle of Milwaukee, when it became vital that America's elven  population couldn't hide any longer. It was also the oldest elf school  in America still operating. It was founded in 1874 by elven Jesuits,  with the Archdiocese of Boston's blessing, but under the condition that  the Archdiocese does not fund the school to prevent it from being  discovered.

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