Episode 37: The Miyazawa Matriarch

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Hitomi VO: "Last time on 'Power Rangers GPX Supercharged'!"

Sean: "I'm trying to help."

Maria: "Thanks, precioso."

Ritchie: "You're not alone."

Túrelie: "I cannot help but feel as if we have awoken the proverbial sleeping giant with this."

Kevin: "You were trained by the United Nations."

Dimitri: "You are Power Rangers?"

Power Rangers GPX Supercharge, episode 37: The Miyazawa Matriarch

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

The cheetah monster rushed the Rangers, using the slope of Bascom Hill to aid its descent. The Rangers jumped out of the way and let the monster crash into the street below. "MISSED US!" Sean taunted. Chee-Tar (a ridiculous name for a cheetah monster) got up in a daze, falling against the berm wall.

"Quit makin' fun of me!" Chee-Tar snapped.

"But it's so much fun!" Maria replied.

"Not to me, it isn't!" Chee-Tar snapped. The anthropomorphic cheetah jumped back onto the grassy berm and raced at the Rangers. He ran circles around them, making their heads spin as they tried to keep up with his speed. "Too slow, scum!" Chee-Tar taunted.

Sean growled. He summoned the GT Sword and held it up. "GT STRIKE!" He swung and missed.

"STRIKE ONE!" Chee-Tar taunted.

"I'll show you a strike!" Maria shouted, kicking at Chee-Tar.


"Your arrogance is your downfall," said Arquen. He saluted Chee-Tar with his sword and took a big swing.



"And here comes MY HIT!" Chee-Tar wound up his paw and whacked Hitomi in the chest, sending the Pink Ranger flying onto the sidewalk. She was fine, but her bruised ego certainly hurt. "You stay down, Pink!" Chee-Tar taunted as Hitomi tried to climb back up the wall, "You're useless!"

Hitomi growled. She ran up towards Chee-Tar, wound up her fist and punched the cheetah right in the jaw. But the cheetah was still fast, and he jumped out of the way to whack Hitomi in the back. That was when Sean rushed in to take a big swipe at him with the GT Sword.

"COME ON!" Hitomi screamed, pounding her fists into the grass, "What's wrong with me!?" She sat up, rubbing her face—er, helmet—in frustration.

Chee-Tar swiped at Sean. Sean jumped out of the way and Ritchie rushed in to take a punch at Chee-Tar. Sean ran up and kicked Chee-Tar in the chin. Two shots from Maria and Kevin did more damage and Sean and Ritchie punched Chee-Tar at the same time, sending the cheetah flying.

Chee-Tar grunted when he landed on the sidewalk. He looked up to see Sean and Ritchie jump off the hill about to stab him. "YOU'RE NOT GWTTING AWAY!" Sean replied.

But Chee-Tar was going to live to fight another day and ran off right before Sean thrust the blade of the GT Sword deep into the pavement. "Oh, COME ON!" he screamed, struggling to pull the blade out of the pavement, helpless to stop Chee-Tar from making his getaway. "Oh, HE GOT AWAY! WHERE IS HE!?"

"Damn!" Kevin breathed. "How's it going with Excalibur?

"Ha ha, very funny," Sean replied sarcastically. Eventually he pulled it out.

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