Episode 44: Arquen vs Tiris

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Hitomi VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Maria: "So tell me what's going on again?"

Hitomi: "How would my family react? I can't be gay! PLEASE TELL ME I'M NOT GAY!"

Maria: "You're bisexual ... You're in love."

Turelie: "If she had any self-respect, she [Gina] would find a male elf to consort with."

Eruvanda: "You have no time to get caught up in elven affairs, at least for now."


Turelie: "I want you to return to the world of the elves."

Liz: "IF you had not been a petulant teenager and stayed to listen to me, you would have known that I will accept your assistance, just on a part-time basis."

Gina: "I want... to stay!"

Hitomi: "I'm in love with Gina!"

Gina: "I'm so happy."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 44: Arquen vs. Tiris

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Pow-wer Rang-gers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

Arquen watched the video Tiris had sent them of the meeting he had with the students not too long ago. Most of the students, who had started the riots on Christmas Eve, looked on in skepticism at Tiris. The colonel fidgeted and wiped his brow every now and then, especially whenever a student pointed an accusatory finger at him, which made Arquen cringe in second-hand embarrassment. But he had to watch or else he could not figure how his best friend was doing.

"Not once have you told us whether the Queen has ulterior motives or not!" a student accused. "Tell us now or the deal is off!"

"She has NO ulterior motives!" Tiris pleaded. "She wants democracy like all of you!"

"HA! A fanciful story if I ever saw one!" a student laughed. "Will she do anything about this?" He held a picture up, both to Tiris and to the camera, of a dissenter, as the notes written on the picture indicated, about to be executed by a Suitroop. Arquen once again cringed at the sight of it.

"Of course she will!" Tiris insisted. He could tell by his body language that he was not lying. It was just that the body language of every other person in the room was hostile towards him.

And it was enough for Arquen to take. He stopped the video and closed the window on Sean's laptop. He rubbed his forehead and muttered a prayer for him. The date read "1/23/2011". Obviously, with this being so close to April, Tiris may have had better luck since then.

Didn't mean Arquen had his hopes up.

Eruvanda walked up behind him and slipped her arms around his neck from behind. She kissed his cheek and let her soft presence put him at ease. "You are troubled, my love."

"I hope Tiris is okay," he said.

"I hope so, too," she replied. "You miss him."

"Absolutely," he replied. "Although, I am certain he would be happy to know that I am not alone." He turned his head and kissed the Queen he loved.

"Get a fucking room, you two," Jimmy sighed, looking up from the mug of Tim Horton's he had.

"I have gotten sick of that phrase," Arquen muttered.

"Whatever," the Canadian Ranger trainee muttered before getting up and walking out of the house to see Sean getting ready to take AJ for a walk. "Mind if I come?" he asked his cousin.

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