Episode 38: Hitomi's Finest Hour

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Ritchie VO: "Last time on Power Rangers GPX Supercharged!"

Hitomi: "What's wrong with me!?"

Sakura: "How are you, child?"

Hitomi: "This is Sakura Miyazawa, my grandmother and matriarch of the Miyazawa family... and one of Project Ranger's chief backers."

Sean: "You've got some nerve, you old bag!"

Sakura: "You have brought shame upon our family!"

(Hitomi runs out of the house through the streets of Madison where she runs into Gina)

Gina: "Come on, it's okay. You can talk to me. I'm here for you."

Hitomi: "I'm a failure."

Power Rangers GPX Supercharged, episode 38: Hitomi's Finest Hour

:-:-:-: We're the best damn chance you've got, Power Rangers G-P-X, let's go! :-:-:-:

"Is she in here?" Gina asked. Karen nodded and opened the door, allowing the teenage she-elf to enter Hitomi's dorm room.

The Pink Ranger was curled up in a ball on her bed, facing the wall. She hadn't changed out of her pajamas. Her hair was disheveled, flat and flared out in many directions on the bed. Gina couldn't see Hitomi's face, but she could only imagine how painful it must be if she was in such a sad state. If only she could do more...

"I've tried to figure out what to do with her," said Karen, "But I can't seem to get through to her."

"Thanks," said Gina.

"You're that elf girl, aren't you?" Karen asked, "Pretty brave of you coming all the way here showing those ears of yours."

"She's my best friend," Gina replied, "I'd do ANYTHING for her."

Gina's statement surprised Karen in more ways than one. "Okay..." she said, "Are you..."

"No, but would it be wrong if I was?" Gina snapped.

"Sorry!" Karen gasped. "I'm gonna... leave you two alone." Karen shuffled out of the room while Gina watched. When she closed the door, Gina sighed, shook her head and climbed onto Hitomi's bed.

"Hitomi," she said gently, nudging the heiress. She didn't move. She just stared at the wall like it was a movie screen. The pang in Gina's chest only got tighter and worse when she saw her friend looking like that. She could've sworn it was something more than friendship, but that wasn't important right now. What was important was getting Hitomi out of this funk she was in. "Come on. I'm here for you."

Hitomi glanced at her and then looked away. Gina sighed and sat back against the wall. "I have to leave soon, you know," she said, "I've got school in an hour. I can only stay for a little bit." Hitomi didn't say anything. "What's wrong, Hitomi?" she asked, "You can tell me anything!"

"I can't," Hitomi choked out.

"Yes you can!" Gina said, both firmly and softly. She gently rubbed Hitomi's back while the heiress moaned sadly. "Something's wrong," she said. "What is it?"

"Am I weak?" Hitomi asked.

"No, you're not," said Gina, "You're the bravest person I ever met. It's because of you that I try to help." Even though she gets in more trouble for that.

"You're lying," she said.

"Hitomi, I'm not lying," Gina replied, "You're amazing! What happened? How did you end up like this?"

"My grandmother," she choked out, before realizing she'd come clean.

"Oh, right," said Gina. "Are you going to take that?"

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