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Chapter 28:

Mitchie's POV ~

I woke up early because of my phone keeps on beeping. I groan and pick it up, my eyes are still close. I rub my eyes and slowly open it as I yawn.

'Katie's Special Day!'

It popped up on my phone screen. A reminder. I close my phone and about to go back to sleep when I realize...

"It's Katie's day?" I muttered, open my eyes and quickly sit up.

I grab my phone again to check the date for today.

"Oh dear!" I mumbled.

I quickly dial my speed dial 3, Katie's number.

It keeps on ringing but she's not answering it.

"Answer it." I mumble.

I gave up and just rush to the bathroom. After I get changed, I wake up Kels and Cait.

°°° °°° °°°

Katie's POV ~

[at her hotel]

I woke up late again. Ugh! It's because of the party I attended last night. It was fun and I meet new people.

I check on my clock and it's already 12 noon. Oh geezz!

I check on my phone while preparing my coffee. I got 10 missed calls and 21 messages?? I check those one by one.

5 missed call from Mitch, 2 from Kels, 2 from Cait and from Kendall? Why would he call me? It must be something important.

I also check those SMS while taking my brunch.

From: Mr. Gomez 

The management prepare something for you tonight since it's your 18 birthday. Just prepare yourself before 7 in the evening. Someone will pick you up. Happy Birthday, by the way.

Wait. My birthday? My eyes widened as I check the calendar on my phone. Shocks! It is my day. I almost forgot. Maybe that's why my best friends are calling.

I go back to my SMS box as I scan the messages.

From: Mitchie :) 

KATIE!!! You aren't answering your phone. Gahd! Happy Birthday my dear sister. I hope you find your wants now. I love you Katie, no one can explain it. Xoxo

I smile. Now, I really missed them.

From: Caitlyn :) 

So I think you're still sleeping, aren't you? Tired? Well, just REST! Don't stress yourself there! Happy Birthday! I love you and you know that even though we are both stubborn. <3

Stubborn, huh? I chuckles.

From: Kelsi :) 

Morning Katie! I miss you, a LOT! Happy Birthday! I love you, we love you. Sorry if we can't celebrate your birthday together this year. We promise that we wil, on the other day, 'kay? I love you.

Such a sweet Kelsi. Ever since I met them we always celebrate my birthday together. Now it will be different because of this; I'm here achieving my pop star life and they're in the camp enjoying the summer.

Some of the messages are unknown numbers and I don't know who they are but I still open it.

'Happy Birthday Katie! Enjoy your day. :)' –Logan

'Katie! Happy Birthday! Can I have a cake now? :D' –Carlos

'Wazza! Happy Birthday! Do you have a party?' –James

They knew it’s my birthday? Maybe my best friends announced it. Ugh!

Now, I'm gonna save those numbers.

Wait, I left one unread message.

'Katie. Katie. Katie. Happy Happy BIRTHDAY! Hooray! Confetti Falling! Yey! Where's your treay? Just kidding but I mean it. Joke. Enjoy your spevial day. PS. Candice misses you, we all do. <3' –Kendall

"Jerk." I chuckles.

He misses me? I mean the message says 'we' so they all do, not just him. Oh Katie your daydreaming. Gahd! 


It's just 5:30 and my doorbell rings.

"Who-" I swing the door open and saw Luke.

"Hi. My uncle told me to pick you up." He says.

"Yeah, but it's just 5:30?"

"I know, I just brought you this." He says handed me a box and a bouquet of roses.

"What is this for?" I ask.

"A gift?" He chuckles.

I step back to let him in as he did.

"T-thanks but you don't have to. Really." I say.

"But I want to." He gently smiles.

"What is this anyway?" I ask again.

"A dress and a pair of shoes for later." He answers.

"Oh. But I already have something to wear." I say.

I was planning to wear the dress that Kendall bought for me. Well not because I like the one who gave it but the dress is pretty. Seriously.


I prepare myself for the party. I'm wearing what Luke gave me earlier; I have no choice though the shoes won't match the dress Kendall gave me.

"Ready?" He says.

I nodded and go with hip.

I hope my best friends are at my party too.

x o x o x o x 

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