Chapter 22: Stabbing

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I walk into the washroom and close the door. I walk over to the sink and turn on the tap. I let tu cold water wash off all of Emily's blood.

How dare she hit me? I growl.

Just thinking about he mad my blood boil. The door burst open and I saw everyone sanding there. Alex had his fists clenched and was wearing an angry expression. Everybody else was wearing a guilty one.

"WAS THAT NECESSARY?!" Alex growls. Kai holds him down.

"Calm down Alex. She'll be alright. It was just a punch." Kai says.

"She is bleeding because of her." He snaps pointing his index finger at me.

Aww! Look how cute, the bad boy actually cares for his girlfriend.

"Isn't she just one of you many toys?" Val asks scratching his head. Alex turns to him.

"Yes she was, but now she'll take extra long to warm up to me." Ale growls.

Never mind, he's just a man whore.

"Alex, calm down." Mel says hugging him. I turn off the tap and look at my hand. My hand got a bruise thanks to how bony she is. Can't she actually eat something other than salad?

I roll my my eyes.

"No! That bitch had no right to ruin my plan!" Alex hiss's pointing his index finger at me again.

"Alex!" Conner growls. "Ally is way more important then you sleeping with Emily."

"Oh shut up Conner." Alex growls.

"Alex your just mad that everyone's fine with Ally punching Emily. Even the principles happy! Because she deserves it!" Kylie defends.

"You'll regret this." Alex growls.

"I don't regret anything." I snap.

"Ally! Are you hurt?!" Chris asks spotting my hand. He's the only one who actually wondered if I'm alright. Outside, I may look like I'm fine. But on the inside, I'm shattered. She said I couldn't do real relationships, that was true. Nicky first left me, then Drew and Mari, then Eric, then my parents and slowly, I'm letting everyone slip out of my life.

Why do you have to be physically hurt to say I'm hurting? Because I'm hurting right now, a lot.

"No. I'm fine." I say. He walks up to me and grabs my hand.

"That was a pretty hard punch, and this is the same hand you used to punch the wall." Chris says examining my hand.

"Chris! Get away from her! She deserves it."

"And you deserve to go to jail for killing some one." I snap. Everyone falls silent.

"You don't even know what happened there." Alex growls.

"I know that you Gabi, Kai, Chris and Val are in a gang. That's all I need to know." I snap. The room falls silent. I study everyone's expressions. No one here is shocked, their either guilty or angry. Civilians would've been shocked and scared right now, heck they would've been gone by now. But they were still here, standing beside him. They're all in the gang aren't they?!

"You a-all are in the gang?" I ask clutching my stomach. I felt sick to the stomach. Something cracked inside of me. Kylie and Conner as well as Gabi. Everything is a lie. Everyone from my childhood is a criminal.

"Ally we were going to tell you." Mel and Kylie say coming close to me. Kylie wraps her arms around me.

"Don't touch me!" I hiss. "You all are murders!" I scream.

"All students are excused for the rest of the day due to Staff meetings." The intercom calls.

"Thank god." Kylie murmurs.

"Let's take her the hide out." Mel says.

"Are you stupid? She could turn us in." Alex hiss's.

"If she does, I'll spill her secret." Gabi threatens.

"What secret?" I hiss through my gritted teeth.

"Who they are, and what you connection with them is." Gabi snorts. I freeze, she can not tell anyone. I feel sick to the stomach. This isn't good. This really isn't good. I haven't told anyone about them except for Gabi. Not even Nicky or Chelsea. Nicky and I were like sisters at a point.

"You wouldn't!" I gasp.

"Try me." Gabi chuckles evilly. "They are a boy and a girl, more-"

I grab my pocket knife from my boot and open it. Kylie's eyes widen thinking I'm gonna stab Gabi. Tables turn. I roll up my sleeve of my leather jacket and stab my self in the arm.

I fall to the ground with a 'thump'. I'll do anything to keep their secret a secret, even give up my life. I have one duty, and that is making sure no one finds out about their secret. I see blood pouring out of my arm. My ears are ringing. Am I going to die?

My eyes close and I hear screaming and screeching. I feel myself getting lifted.

My eyes roll to the back of my head.

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