Chapter 26: The BadBoy Scares Me

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I unlock the door to my house and step inside. I hang up my keys where the rest of my keys were.

"You have a lot of cars." Alex says walking behind me. I walk (my failed attempt of waking) to the kitchen with Alex following me. I open the fridge and there's nothing there. I groan. Great, no food. I though Tony just bought food yesterday.

"Do you want me to order pizza?" He asks.

"Yes please." I say tossing him the landline.

"Pepperoni?" He asks.

"I'm vegetarian." I say pouring my self a glass of water.

"Wait, you can't eat the pizza then! It has cheese on it!" Alex teased on purpose. I freeze and turn around he's smirking. I growl and throw the water on him and he groans. Never do that, never mix up a vegetarian and vegan on purpose.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Fuck you." He snaps ripping his t-shirt off that revealed his 6 pack, I looked away and blushed. Why am I blushing.

"Order cheese." I say and he nods."You can wear one of Tony's shirts. I'll grab you one."

"What drink?" He asks.

"Pepsi." I say he nods. "I'm gonna take a shower, you can watch TV or wait for me upstairs if you want."

"I'll wait for you upstairs. Don't want anyone killing you, while I'm downstairs, I'll miss all the fun." He teases.

"Haha. Very funny." I say , I run into Tony's room and grab one of Tony's shirts he didn't take with him. It was a plain black shirt. I tossed it to him . He caught it walks behind me when I walk to my room. I walk into my closet and grab a baby pink pair of matching new lady undergarments, black tiny sweatpants-shorts and a white tank top. I grab a white towel and walk to the washroom. I see Alex sitting on my chair on my iMac. He see's me.

"Who are these people?" Alex asks. I place my things in the counter and walk up to the computer. It was a picture of Drew, Mari, Tony and I from 9 years ago.

I sigh. "No one." I say walking back into the washroom. He raises an eyebrow but opens up a safari. I close the door and lock it.


I slip on my clothes. I looked a bit better now, less bloody, but regardless I looked like I just came back from war. I took care of all my cuts by applying things on them so I didn't really have to worry about them getting infected. I threw my dirty clothes into my hamper and opened the door. I saw Alex sitting on my bed with two pizza boxes and two cans of pepsi in his hand watching TV.

"Wanna go downstairs?" I ask catching his attention.

He stares at my legs. "Nice legs." He said then walks out the door. I blush again.

Wait, what?! I never blush, it's impossible! What is this boy doing to me!

"Fuck off." I yell walking behind him.

He sits down on our U shape black and couch in our living room. I sit beside him, but with decent space between us.

"What rooms do you have in your house?" Alex asks opening the pizza boxes.

"Weird question, but we have two studies, eight bedrooms, a dance studio type of thing in the basement and more rooms I was too lazy to check." And a secret hideout only me and Tony know about.

"Your that lazy?" He chuckles.

"No, ever since the first day I got here I wasn't really in the mood for exploring, I just wanted to stay locked up in my room, or alone." I say grabbing a pizza slice.

"Cool. I'm putting on a movie." Alex says. He browsed through the horror section. I swallow my spit.



We're we in the most scariest part of the movie and Alex want to the washroom. I am so damn scared, I'm never this scared during movies, well I'm usually not alone in a mansion with all the lights off-

"BOO!" A voice yells and I jump out of my seat. I see everyone, and I mean everyone from the gang on the floor laughing, tears flowing down their cheeks from laughter.

My lip quivers and a tear breaks from my eye. I run out of the house. I run to the massive backyard and hide behind a huge tree. I bring my legs to my chest and start sobbing. The memories from when I got kidnapped and the last time I watched this movie came back to me.

"BOO!" Drew, Mari, Tony, Kylie and Conner yell scaring me so bad I fall off my chair. I was watching a horror movie with everyone. Conner and Kylie came to visit us here in London. They made excuses of things the had to do and said they would be back. They all know I hate horror movies, so they put it on and scared me, especially after I got kidnapped.

"You guys!" I groaned. "Seriously?"

"Aww, your crying. Sorry Ally." Drew says hugging me tightly. I wrap my arms around his torso.

"Horror movies are scaring me a lot lately, and you know that." I say.

"Sorry Ally." Drew says kissing my forehead. Tony joins in on the hug and then Mari.

"US TOO!" Conner and Kylie yell running up to us and wrapping their arms around us making us fall a bit due to all the force they put into the hug.

We all stay silent then break into laughter.

The exact same movie, the exact same scene, the exact same feeling in the pit of my stomach, but no one to calm it.

I start crying hard in my knees. I feel arms under knees and behind my back. Someone picked me up 'bridal style'. I dug my face into their chest, I could smell their minty smell. He brought back inside and placed me down on couch, he didn't let me go.

"Ally, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize what movie you were watching." Kylie's voice said.

"Wait, what happened?" Gabi asked, I swallowed all my spit.

"6 years ago when we visited her in London, we watched this movie, this exact same scene was on when we scared her. And this scene reminded her when she was kidnapped not too long before.. But he, was there to help her through the panic attack." Kylie explains.

"You guys can go, I'll take care of her." Alex's voice says from beside me. He was holding me? I hear footsteps and the door close. I cry harder into Alex's chest.

"Hey it's gonna be alright okay?" He says kissing my forehead.

"Sorry, didn't mean to do that.. I'm kinda used to it." He says.

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