Weight Gain

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I open the door after hearing the knock. Shannon gives me a big hug. She's crying. Something's going on.
"Joleen, I'm moving." She says in between sniffles.
"Why?" I ask.
"My parents got a job offer in Colorado. They get paid more there."
"Well, could we get in contact by our phones?"
"Yeah, we could do that, but I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too."
Shannon's parents come up towards the house while her dad drives a U-Haul her mom is driving the SUV.
"Goodbye Joleen." Shannon lets go of me, and she goes into the SUV. Her parents drive off.
So many memories. So many good memories. My best friend is gone. Living in Texas for so long then having to move to Colorado. Shannon has been my only true friend.
I go to the kitchen, and eat as much as I fucking can. Something to take my fucking mind off of what happened. I run upstairs to my room and lock the door. I stay in there for a long time. I cry until I fall asleep.

At school, everyone looks at my new look. After what I ate during summer break, the weight gain is completely visible.
"Why are you fat?" Hannah asks me in a mean way. Her clique is behind her. They are all extremely mean. I run off to the bathroom into the big stall. I hear mean laughter from the group. The girls in Hannah's clique and Hannah herself come into the bathroom. They crawl under the stall that I'm in.
"Leave me alone!" I shout. The girls just laugh.
"We'll never leave you alone!" Sierra says with her face as red as ever.
"Fuck you! You all are just a bunch of fucking cunts! Go to hell!" I shout. I wanted to tell them that a long time ago, but that was before I started swearing like a sailor. The girls continue to laugh at me because I ate a lot after Shannon left. They don't care that I said fuck, cunt, or I told them to go to hell.

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