In the Hospital....Again

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I wake up with Naomi looking down at me. "I eavesdropped on you. Once I heard you shut you door while having the stuff in your hands, I called an ambulance. They came here in no time."
"I thought the plan fucking worked." I reply under my breath. 
"Bleach and Mom's medications?"
"I thought that would do the trick. I wanted to drink bleach before I die, so that's what I did."
"You attempted suicide as a seventh grader by bleeding yourself. Now as an eighth grader, you used bleach and pills to kill yourself?"
"I don't want to be here anymore."
"Well I don't want to lose my baby sister."
I know Naomi got me on that, but she's better off without me.

Mom and Dad walk into the room after they ended their after school planning time. Probably rushing to make lessons to get over here.
"Joleen's alive!" Mom shouts.
"We were so worried," Dad says.
"Joleen just woke up right when I got into the room," Naomi says. "She thought drinking bleach and overdosing on your medication would kill herself."
"Well as long she doesn't do it again," Dad replies. "I'm fine."

I stay in the hospital for a shorter amount of time than the last time. Three weeks instead of two months. I will try again to live life to the fullest.

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