Everyone Hates Me Even More

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I walk towards my locker. Everyone suddenly looks away from me. What exactly did I do? I stand at my locker and work on opening it. I exchange my science binder with my math binder and textbook. I turn around when the clique and some others have raged in their eyes.
"What?" I ask.
"You made everything up in your video," Sierra says. "You didn't cut yourself."
"Ok," I roll up the sleeve of my hoodie to show my cuts and scars. "Does this look fake to you?"
"Just makeup. We're not gullible." Hannah says while touching the arm.
"You all deserve to fucking burn in hell!" I shout on the top of my lungs. Everyone in the hall is completely silent. They all stare at me. "Look at my fucking cuts and scars," I begin my speech. "If it wasn't for you girls, I wouldn't be attempting suicide. I started cutting after Shannon got killed, and you girls in your damn clique made me feel worse about myself. I don't get why you," I point at Kelsey, "would call me a boy when I just like having my hair short. You also bullied Shannon because she was a different race than you. We're all different in this world. I don't get why these damn teachers in this hell of a school wouldn't believe any student when they are trying to report bullying. Their eyes aren't fucking open! There are bullies everywhere, leaving the victims to cutting, starving, binging, and killing themselves. I fucking attempted suicide TWICE! And I still get bullied by you..you..pussies! If you don't see me here tomorrow, that means I'm dead."

I walk away from everyone surrounding me without saying a word. I walk into the classroom. The tardy bell rings. I hear footsteps, nobody is rushing to class. They are probably processing everything I said. The teachers don't say anything either about telling the students to get into their classes. It's quiet throughout the day. I know what I must do.

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