Starving's Easy

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After eating almost everything in the kitchen, I decide to lay off of the food. Mom and Dad don't care if I don't eat dinner. They just know that I'm simply not hungry. I get headaches from not eating. Whenever Naomi, Mom, and Dad are eating, I go to sleep. I wake up the next morning with a plate of cold food on my nightstand. I completely ignore what's there.
At school people stare at me. Looking at all of the weight I lost.
"Hey skinny," Kelsey shouts while I'm at my locker. "Where's the fat at? Did you finally get it treated?" She laughs along with the clique laughing at me.
I run straight to the bathroom. I hide in the smaller stall this time around. The girls crawl under the stall like they did weeks ago. It's really crammed now.
"You finally lost all of that weight," Hannah says. "What are you going to do now? Gain it back from eating too much?"
They all laugh at me. I wish Shannon was still here.
"Go to hell!" I shout. I try crawling under the stall to escape, but the clique grabs me.
"You're so much lighter!" Sierra says. "That means that we can do this!" She slams me to the side of the stall. I slide down to the floor.
The bell rings for class to start. The clique abandons me. I don't care about school anymore. I lie on the floor and get out my phone. I text Shannon. Luckily, she replies to everything I tell her. I can always count on Shannon.
While girls were in the bathroom during class change, they all ignore me and go to another bathroom that's further away. After school, a teacher finds me and helps me up.
"Why were you skipping class by lying on the floor?" She asks.
"There are these girls in a clique who bullied me and I ran in here. They crawled under to beat me up. One girl picked me up and slammed me against the stall. I didn't want to be in class since I'm with them in almost every class."
"Quit tattling on people." That's all she said.
She took me out of the bathroom and wanted me to go to Mom's classroom which is upstairs. I don't go upstairs to her room. Instead, I text Shannon while lying on the bench in the lobby.

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