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COURTNEY STUFFED HER hands in the pockets of her coat as she walked next to her sister

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COURTNEY STUFFED HER hands in the pockets of her coat as she walked next to her sister. She looked up from the ground and glanced at the nursing home. They had been called to come over to sign some papers. Both sisters looked they hadn't slept in days. Not saying a word to each other, they entered the home and followed their mother's caretaker to a table where they sat down. The woman had all sorts of papers in her hands and placed them on the table. "The lawyer has been managing the estate with a limited power of attorney, but your mother's Alzheimer's is advancing so while she's still lucid enough to consent, she needs to sign everything over to you girls." She explained.

"Us?" A tired Meredith asked, earning a nod from the caretaker. The eldest Grey went with her hands through her hair. Her voice sounded raspier than normal, which had something to do with the lack of sleep. "Look, I haven't slept in 48 hours. I'm getting my first shot at heart surgery this morning. I'm missing rounds. Are you sure there isn't anybody here, or the attorney? I mean, do I really have to be the one to handle this?"

"We're talking about her estate, her finances, and her medical care. You really want to leave her life in someone else's hands? She's your mother."

"No, we don't." Courtney joined the conversation, her head resting in her hands. "What if we come back another time, when the both of us are more awake than we are now? Does that sound good to you?"

"Alright, then, just call us today to schedule another appointment." Courtney nodded and they got up. They shook hands, saying goodbye and the two sisters were out the door in no time. Courtney drove them back to the hospital, since she was the most awake of the two. When they arrived, Meredith almost jumped out of the car and sprinted to the entrance and the locker rooms. Courtney took her sweet time, since she didn't have any surgery planned unlike Meredith.

After getting dressed into her light blue scrubs, she went to the observation deck above the O.R. She saw an empty place next to George and quickly sat down. Cristina was there as well and had taken place next to George, glaring. All the interns were staring at the eldest Grey, who was holding a heart, in envy. "I wish I could hold a heart." George confessed with a sigh.

"A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina snapped at him, her jealousy of Meredith kicked in. She wanted to be down there holding a heart and not watch her fellow intern do it.

"You're mad Burke didn't ask you."

"George, I need more ice and chips." Izzie suddenly suggested as she wrote something down on a piece of paper.

"Why do you need ice and chips?" Courtney questioned, while Izzie and George were looking at her sheepishly. Izzie hadn't noticed Courtney, so she just spilt her secret. Izzie didn't reply and looked away from Courtney's gaze. "Why. Do. You. Need. Ice. And. Chips?" She articulated every word. "Izzie Stevens, what are you planning to do with those ice and chips?"

"Um, well..."

"Izzie's throwing a party for when her boyfriend arrives here." Cristina revealed and got glares from the other two interns.

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