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COURTNEY WOKE UP IN AN ON-CAL ROOM. She covered her face with her arm as she let out a sigh. She couldn't believe that she had turned into one of those people that slept at the hospital. Most people now thought that she had transformed into one of those interns that stayed day and night, so she could get the best surgeries. If they only knew the truth for her nights in the on-call rooms. They would probably look at her differently if they knew that her nightmares had gotten worse after Izzie was reinstated again. Some nights she had woken up screaming, which scared her roommates who had no idea what was going on. She was still trying to avoid conversation with anyone in her house. She was afraid that Meredith would suddenly remember what she had told her. Talking with George scared her, because she couldn't stop wondering if he knew or not. She still avoided Izzie, because she was scared that she was going to lash out again.

Her life hadn't gotten any better and her home situation wasn't doing anything well. So, after she had had another nightmare and Meredith had gone into her room, Courtney figured that it might be best if she stayed away for a while. She was keeping her roommates from sleeping and she didn't want them to worry about her. They had noticed that she had been acting a bit off, but hadn't said anything about it. Just like the blonde, they were scared to talk to her. If only both parties realized that they were all feeling the same way. However, life wasn't like that sadly enough. Nobody had the power to read the other's mind. Miscommunication, misunderstanding was a daily occurrence.

Courtney pushed herself off of the bed. Rounds were going to start in less than an hour and she needed to get some things from her locker. She made the bed, before leaving her temporary bedroom for what it was. Closing the door behind her, Courtney walked towards the locker room, when she got a weird look from one of the doctors that she passed. She gave him a weird look back. People really enjoyed being in other people's business in this hospital and it drove her crazy sometimes. She wondered what people were saying about her, because of course they would make up crazy theories for why she had been sleeping in the hospitals and taking every case that she got.

She walked into the locker room and passed by George reading someone's chart. All the other interns of their group were gathered around him and reading alone over his shoulder. She raised her eyebrow at them, having no clue why there were doing that. Had something happened? She had heard the nurses mention George's name the night before, but she couldn't catch the rest of it. Courtney opened her locker and swung open the little metal door. Her beige coat was hanging on a little hanger that she had put in there. She was combing her hair, when Meredith entered with a big smile on her face.

"Today is the day people. Today is the day when dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever. And bright and shiny Meredith takes her place. You're probably not going to want to be friends with me anymore cause the sheer intensity of my happiness will make your teeth hurt. That's okay, 'cause life is good. Life is good. What's going on?" The others – excluding Courtney – gave her a look that told her that she had said something insensitive.

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