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COURTNEY GREY SIGHED as she aimlessly tapped her fingers against the table, while her eyes were staring out into the distance, not paying attention to what her friend was saying

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COURTNEY GREY SIGHED as she aimlessly tapped her fingers against the table, while her eyes were staring out into the distance, not paying attention to what her friend was saying. Even though, her life seemed to be going in the right direction, she felt like her happiness was going to be short lived and she couldn't explain why she felt that way. It was a gut feeling. Ivory Simmons noticed how distracted the blonde was. "So, after that kid puked on the floor, I grabbed him by his collar and locked him in the cellar, where he was eaten alive by rats. Just a normal day in my life, you know."

"Yeah, yeah."

A chuckled escaped the brunette's lips. She waved her hand in front of Courtney's face, hoping to get her attention. "Earth to Courtney? Hello?" She didn't react, so her friend brought her two hands together with a loud clap. That seemed to bring Courtney out of her daze as her hand went to her chest on the place above her heart.

"Why did you do that for? You almost gave me a heart attack."

"You weren't paying attention. Is everything alright with you, because you've been distracted the whole time. If you didn't want to come, you should've told me, Courtney. It's not like I was going to bite you head off if you declined."

"It's not that. I just—" Courtney sighed again as she rested her head in her hands. Ivory reached her hand out, rubbing the blonde's arm. "A couple of months ago, I met this guy at work, Ashley," Ivory snickered and wanted to joke about the man's name, but decided against it. "My first impression of him was that he was some kind of asshole with good looks. He kept trying to get me to go out with him and wouldn't let it go. I still don't know why till this day. Eventually, I said yes, because I wanted his nagging to stop. We ended up having a pretty good time and we went on more dates."

"Then, we got so close to actually start dating, becoming an official couple, when I suddenly saw this weird character flip. He was trash-talking his roommate, making him out to be some sort of dirty, horrible guy. I had never seen him talk about some like that and it was just weird. If it had been that alone, I would've let it go – probably. However, another intern that I know, walked up to us. I hadn't seen him in quite a while, since we were always busy and never found the time to talk. Ashley knows him as well, since they have the same resident. Out of nowhere, he started arguing with him, accusing Aaron of being jealous of me, because I'm the one that was dating Ashley."

"Aaron then left us alone, because he couldn't be near Ashley again. Here comes the most strange thing of all: when Ashley turned to me again, his character changed again. Instead of being the judgy asshole, he was back to being the sweet and understanding guy that I knew. You know what the worst part was? After acting like that, he then asked me to become his girlfriend." Courtney finished her story as Ivory looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"What a dick!" Was the first thing that came of the brunette's mouth. "What happened next?"

"I obviously said no and that I needed more time. I really didn't want to see him, but he ended popping up everywhere, which was annoying. Even though I had asked him for some space, he had the nerve to keep asking what my answer was whenever we actually bumped into each other. I talked to my sister and other friends about how I was feeling about him and for some time I actually thought that I was going to say 'no' and just end the relationship before even giving it a chance. But then a train crashed and some of the wounded were sent to Seattle Grace. I ended up losing the patients and that made me so upset. I was at brink of crying, when Ashley came up to me."

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